Sunday, October 25, 2009

The trees across the street continues to put on its yearly show.  The windy rain didn't strip them of their leaves so we're going to get to see it keep changing. 

It rained and rained and rained last night.  And then this morning, all the clouds were gone.  The sky is blue and looks like it goes on forever.  And the sun is warm but the air is cool.  A perfect fall day.

We went to get brunch to find out that the buffet had changed.  They still had eggs and stuff but they had dropped the charges and therefore got rid of the desert table.  This meant no Rice Krispie treats!  They are my favorite part of eating breakfast there.  There was nothing to do but buy marshmallows and Rice Krispies and make my own.  I'll be taking care of that in a few minutes.

We went to the fancy store and it was not crowded at all so we decided to just shop there.  Their ads said they dropped their prices 10% so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.  It wasn't.  It's an adventure to shop in a different store.  You have to pay attention to what you're doing because things are not in their accustomed places.  We meandered around and got everything we needed and only a few things we really didn't.  Then we went and exchanged the beater for the mixer.  We have a KitchenAid mixer that is 25 yrs old.  It is a true workhorse and I love it.  The beater is cast iron with an enamel coating and the coating was coming off. 

The groceries got put away and then El and I went and got hair cuts and I picked up some strombolies for dinner.  I'll heat them up and make a salad.  It's just Pk and I for dinner and this will be easy and hopefully tasty. 

Only one more week of blogtoberfest.  It seems like October went by quickly but then I think that of all the months. This week, a guest post coming up.


gay said...

ok now i am craving rice krispie treats! oh and i just bought myself a pair of dansk clogs don't your feet just love them?

Sheepish Annie said...

I haven't had a stromboli in years. Now I really want one! With rice krispy treats...

MadMad said...

It was a gorgeous fall day here, too! Loved it!

Amy Lane said...

Rice krispie treats-- SO decieving... they look like a little homemade goodie, but they are, in reality, like kitchen-sink meth... unbeatable and addictive...

Louiz said...

Sounds like an unbeatable autumn day!

What are strombolies?

Bells said...

Loving the tree!

So are rice krispie treats basically rice bubbles with marshmallow? That's what I think of!

roxie said...

As DH and I were leaving the grocery store yesterday I realized that many of my friends also enjoy grocery shoppong with their husbands. It's a bonding experience that you never read about in the romance novels.

Alwen said...

And now you can buy pre-made rice krispie treats!

When I was a kid, they were the cookie your mom made when you told her at bedtime that you were supposed to bring a treat, or the ones the working moms brought to bake sales because they were quick. It seems so weird to see them for sale in the store.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...