Monday, November 2, 2009

I was without a laptop for less than 24 hours.  When I got off the train today, Pk was waiting in the drivers' seat of the car.  This is a little unusual because he usually moves over so I can drive since it's my car.  When I asked why he was driving (I usually tell him I don't care who drives us the 2 miles home) he said, "I want to go someplace". 

When I asked where?  He pulled out his iphone and showed me a photo of a new laptop at BestBuy (local discount electronics store).  He said, "I want to buy this for you".  He went on to say that since I try hard to help him get what he wants, he wanted to give me something I wanted.  I was speechless and tears came to my eyes.

I had gotten used to the idea of not having a computer for the next 6 months but this was a good deal.  It's not a gaming machine but I'm not into gaming.  It'll do what I want/need it to do and that'll make me happy.

He was also able to hook up the old hard drive and get my info off of it!!!!  I may have lost email addresses but I figure if everyone sends me an email,I'll get them back.  I got everything else.  I spent half an hour on the phone setting up the email acct and now I seem to be set.

And I have a husband who wants to give up his allowance for a while to make me happy.  Now I have to go to work making this one look like the old one.  (I hate change).  This will be fun.


Rose Red said...

Huzzah! PK really is the best!!

Louiz said...

How fantastic! How lovely of PK.

Bezzie said...


roxie said...

Kiss him on the nose for me. What a darling man!!

Transportation strike? Bummer. but you will have couple of quiet days - followed by a few frantic weeks. Better use the quiet time to gird your loins. What can you do in advance? Make up packets of leaflets and handouts? Clean out the files? Update the protocols handbook?

GenerallyGemma said...

Awww bless him! What an utter star!

Galad said...

What a thoughtful guy!

Dianne said...

He's a keeper!

Jeanne said...

What a great husband! Enjoy the new laptop!

DPUTiger said...

Now that is an excellent hubby! Hooray!

Alwen said...

What a guy!

And I completely understand about not liking things changed around. What a relief not to lose all your info.

Amy Lane said...

GO PK! Seriously-- what a good guy! (And I'm glad for selfish reasons too... I'd miss you and your laptop!)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...