Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm having a bittersweet moment.  My youngest daughter, my Katiebaby, told me yesterday that she is moving out on December 1st.  (What is it about December?  Em moved out in Dec too).  Kate and Patrick are moving into a local apt complex (really local, across the street local). 

I'm happy for them.  I remember the excitement of our first apt.  In fact, Kate is moving into the same complex Pk and I moved into 28 yrs ago when we got married.  They will spend the next couple of weeks collecting things they'll need.

It's a little sad (for me).  Kate is 20 yrs old and an adult.  She's smart and practical and has a "good head on her shoulders" (my father's highest praise).  She is very creative and will take what they have and turn this blank box of an apt into a comfy living space.

(I'm not thinking too hard about the fact that this means I'll finally have a CRAFT ROOM.)

It's hard to watch the babies grow up.  When they learn to walk and walk away from you, it's just the beginning.  Then they go to school and there are other ideas and thoughts that they bring home.  Then they make friends and do things that you are not a part of .  They grow up and start buying things with their own money and wearing clothes that you haven't seen before.  It makes you proud that they are making their own choices but also just a tad sad that they are moving away and into their own world.  And you let them go with the hope that their world will overlap yours.  And sometimes there are tears and often there is laughter.  And always there is love.

"Where are you going, my little one, my little one?
Where are you going my baby, my own?
Turn around and you're two,
Turn around and you're four.
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of the door."

(Malvina Reynolds - Harry Belafonte - Allen Greene)


Kate said...

Hey, being right down the road means I'll still stop in frequently for chats. Don't worry... my world will always overlap yours. I'm only moving out, I'm not moving away.

Virginia G said...

My daughter is just 4, but there isn't a day that goes by where I don't look at her and go "What? How'd you get so big?

Bezzie said...

I'm sure I'll change when they're 18, but I kind of hope my boys move far, far away at least for a little while and *then* move back closer to home. But that's the Alaskan talking...

Rose Red said...

I think it is very cool that Kate is moving into the complex that you and PK lived in so long ago! And still close by so that's good.

And hey, on the bright side - a craft room! Woo hoo!

gay said...

happy happy belated birthday. it sounds ownderful and full of yarny goodness. good for you and enjoy your new computer those things always go with only a moments notice don't they...computers and kids that is! enjoy your craft room.

Amy Lane said...

(((hugs))) And you're right--it goes SOOOO fast! My oldest is turning 17--and it raced right by. I think it's good that she'll be right down the street--you'll get your craft room, but like Katiebaby just said--she'll be by often!

Jeanne said...

It really is bittersweet when they are independent and moving on and out - but so good too.

I love her comment - very touching.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...