Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.

~The Dalai Lama

I've never been a religious person although I can sing any number of hymns and know lots of children's bible stories from my days of singing in the church choir and attending sunday school.

Organized religion does not speak to me.  I think I have a hard time with the rules.  I don't think I'm any kind of saint, just an ordinary person struggling to make some sense of her life.  I'm also not a sinner who should always be asking for forgiveness for her life either. 

If I had to define my beliefs, I would say I believe in the beginning of the Hippocratic oath doctors take "first do no harm" and then it's all about being the best person I can be and helping other people along the way.  I also subscribe to the Girl Scout principle of 'leave a place better than the way it was when you found it'.  I believe there is good in the universe (and also bad but much more good) and I believe there are miracles everywhere. (yes, Em, in every square inch) I don't believe in heaven or hell so this is it.  I need to make the most of my life now because I don't believe in an afterlife.  I believe souls are reincarnated until they learn the lessons they need to learn and each life teaches us something until we finally 'get it' and then get to move on to the greater cosmos.  I don't think less of people who follow the dictates of one faith or another.  As long as it brings you comfort and doesn't hurt anyone else, then it's all good.  I don't have to believe what you believe to respect you and your beliefs.

I think of myself as a spiritual person, a seeker.  And for some reason, (today is my 52nd birthday and maybe that is reason enough) I find myself pondering these things.  I am working today and then Pk is fixing me dinner.  We're having a quiet day here as the busses are on strike and folks can't get into the mental health center.  I should have plenty of time to get a head start on November's paperwork.  



Louiz said...

Happy birthday! It's himself's birthday too, so I'll remember next year.

JerseyJennyW said...

Happy Birthday! Here's to hoping for years more of wonderful "seeking"

amy said...

Happy Birthday! I pretty much share your beliefs, along with the Golden Rule. I try (and try) to get that one across to my kids.

The world is pretty miraculous, isn't it?

Bells said...

I applaud this post. It expresses my own sentiments entirely.

And happy birthday!

gemma said...

Happy Birthday Donna Lee

Bezzie said...

I like that number--52. Seems solid. Happy Birthday!

Nice sentiment too.

Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday - hope you are having a wonderful day!

Sheepish Annie said...

Happy Birthday! I think we all become kind of introspective after a few natal days roll around. Enjoy your day and your special dinner!

Galad said...

Happy Birthday Donna Lee!

Olivia said...

I'm a bit late now but happy birthday! Hope you had a good one.

Amy Lane said...

Happy Birthday. I can assure you that with every post, every gentle burst of optimism and faith in good in the universe, you do leave the world a better place than you found it.

roxie said...

Joyous felicitations on the anniversary of your natal event! May the bluebird of happiness build a nest by your front door, may the spirit of prosperity infest your cupboards, and may fortunate events invade your life like a swarm of benificent locusts! All love and hugs! Roxie

Rose Red said...

Happy Birthday! Us Scorpios rock!

I love the way you think about religion and spirituality - it's a very good way to live, I think.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...