Thursday, December 3, 2009

Good morning!  We just had another night of intense rain (and wind!) and it was really cool this morning to watch as the storm front moved out.  You could see the clear blue sky behind it.  And a gorgeous full moon.

This is the time of year when good photos are only really possible on weekends.  I'm at work while the sun's out so all photos have to be taken with a flash and that is 'not optimal'. (although I will admit, I like coming home to the Christmas lights ). I finished a pair of monkey socks made out of the yarn amy lane sent me.  The one that was going to be a shawl but wasn't quite enough.  It made some spectacular monkeys!  And they're all for me.  Yes, in this time of giving, I made socks for myself.  I'll take some photos over the weekend.

I have also been the recipient of a bit of Australia.  Tinkingbell sent me a package of "100's and 1000's".  (I love the name and it was amazing I could google it and come up with photos)  She talked about fairy bread in one of her posts and I was curious.  We have cake decorating bits (non-pariels) that I thought might be the same but these are different.  They're similar but have little square bits too.  We're going to use them on our christmas cookies.  She also sent me a skein of red sock yarn.  It's destined to possibly be a pair of Traveller's Stockings sometime after the holiday.

Back in October, I won a contest given by Tinniegirl. She was giving away one of her collages.  If you've never seen them, you should check them out.  They are magnificent.  The one she sent me is an angel.  It's beautiful. I'll photograph it over the weekend. Unless we get the snow/rain we are predicted and there is no light.  We have no drought worries here.

I have a doctor's appt today.  Routine bp checkup.  I think it's time to mention the joints in my hands to him.  I'm pretty sure it's arthritis.  There are bumps and there is pain.  I think the knitting and spinning helps keep them limber but some days they are so sore and achy. I've been able to deal with it with some ibuprofen and maybe that's all I need for now but I think I need a professional opinion.   It'll probably mean another doctor (ugh) but I'm afraid the arthritis will accelerate and my hands will become too stiff and sore to use.

Things at work are busy.  We're trying to keep up with the regular people and there is always an influx of problems with a major holiday coming.  People seem to have less patience.  As I l isten to their problems, it puts mine in perspective. 

I'm off to find something light and fun to do with my group today.  I think we all need a smile.


roxie said...

Modern medicine has made such strides with arthritus - I think you'll be knitting and spinning well into your dotage.

What fun you've been having with the knitting and all. Hundreds and thousands? Too cool!

Kate said...

I think the 100s+1000s are pretty neat, I'll have to steal a cookie made with them. I don't think I'll have much time/money to bake my own cookies this christmas, but I'll certainly try to get something holiday-ish going for Patrick and I to enjoy.
Traveller's Socks look gorgeous, and that red yarn is made for them. I can't wait to see them otn!

Louiz said...

Let me know if you want some English hundreds and thousands - they're different to the Australian ones you describe.

Hope the hands are ok.

amy said...

Ceri was busy!! I got a red skein of sock yarn, too. I love Patonyle!!

Jeanne said...

I hope the doctor's visit went well, and that it doesn't impact your knitting and spinning!

Rose Red said...

Hurrah - glad you got some 100s and 1000s too! Fairy bread is just the BEST!

Galad said...

Roxie's right - you'll be knitting and spinning for a long time to come :-)

Bells said...

100s & 1000s are just one of those things I thought were everywhere. It never occurred to me they weren't known all over the place so I've been really surprised to find that they're unknown to Americans! Hope you enjoy them! I always have some on standby for when making things like cupcakes for children.

TinkingBell said...

So glad you liked your parcel - I'm always happy to spread the fairy bread love!

And Patonyle has to be one of the loveliest commercial sock yarns - red socks for your winter sound like just the thing!

Alwen said...

I am starting to get that, too, in my left hand. My hand loves my microwaved rice bag!

Amy Lane said...

Well good for you with the limber hands--and here's hoping the doc can give you something to ease the ache! I'm so proud that Anne found a home-- I knew you'd do something amazing with it!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...