Saturday, January 23, 2010

Et voila!  Here are my socks of death.  This color is dead on (pun intended).It's the January art walk sock club selection.   The pattern is an easy one and I really like it.  I'll probably make a pair for me at some point.  This is the fastest I have ever knit a pair of socks.  One week.  Being home sick helped some but not a lot.  I was living on cold medicine and spent a lot of time sleeping.  I am just glad they're done.  I didn't really expect to finish and I'm surprised that I'm not dead yet.  I know my target has mailed off her weapon already so I won't have to knit another pair.  Now, I just have to wait for my assassin to kill me.  I put some herbal tea, some cadbury eggs and some stitch markers in the envelope as well.  I wanted to cushion the blow, although how tough is it to get handknit socks in the mail?

I am resting today and tomorrow and plan to go back to work on Monday.  My head is still congested but my nose isn't running quite as much.  I actually resorted to taking Benadryl yesterday.  I only use that when I'm in dire straits.  It really knocks me out.  I don't remember much about yesterday......and today is slightly fuzzy, too.

Not much else is happening around here.  For me, the big news is finishing the socks of death.  Now that they're out of the way, I can swatch for the Evenstar shawl kal and work on Pk's sweater.  And go back to knitting slowly.  I'm looking forward to the kal.  My yarn came and it's sooo thin.  I haven't done anything with laceweight for a while and forgot how it looks like dental floss.  I just have to wait for my 3mm tips for my options to come from knitpro (knitpicks doesn't sell that size).  And I have to learn a circular cast on.  GaaK will be happening here! 

Hope your weekend is filled with peace. 


amy said...

Congratulations! Look at you wield those knitting needles!!

I actually had negative knitting one day this week when I ripped back two arms because I decided they needed more increases. Knitting whilst sick (and on meds) rots.

Dianne said...

Congrats on not being dead yet! Those socks look wonderful. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Amy Lane said...

Wow-- those socks are killer! Hope they knock your target dead! (*snicker*) Feel better, though-- hate being sick!

Rose Red said...

Yay you!! A pair of socks in a week, that's fantastic!!

Hope you are feeling better this week, and you get a lovely pair of socks of your own in the mail soon.

Olivia said...

Woohoo! Great sock and it must be so satisfying to get it done, but I hope you feel much better before you have to go back to work. Isn't that funny about knitpicks - I thought knitpro was just a brand name for selling the needles outside the USA?

roxie said...

Sock it to 'em! (Do you remember Laugh In?)Those are lovely socks. Good work. And what a splendid package you put together. Hooray, you are now an assassin!

Alwen said...

What a very pretty weapon!

I can't take Benadryl unless I want to sleep afterwards. But the years when I get a bad bout of hay fever, I take it at night as a two-fer.

gay said...

so happy for you to have found your pics i have lost so many when my computers have died on me. still i don't back them up. i should try!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...