Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yesterday, I got up at 8:45, took a shower, gathered the laundry, had some breakfast, made a cup of coffee, grabbed my knitting,  and sat outisde in the sunshine.  It was a spectacularly beautiful Saturday and I could NOT make myself do chores indoors.  I did the laundry (the importance of clean underwear cannot be overrated) but the rest of the morning and afternoon, I sat in the chair and worked on my shawl and Pk's socks.  I had some  company.  Hobbes decided he had to lay on top of the bag that holds my shawl.  He likes it when we sit outside with him.  I think he likes the company,too.  I called Kate and she came over and we knitted together peacefully, just soaking up the rays.  (I actually soaked up more rays than was good for me and have the sunburn to prove it).

Pk went to a tool auction in North Jersey and bought a compass plane.    It's a plane that's used to shape convex/concave shapes.  Like, say, a spinning wheel.  It's a cool looking tool.  He was thrilled to find one in such good shape.  It just needs to be restored and made useful.  He also bought a huge chisel and some other small bits.  All in all, a good day for him.  We had some dinner and hit the bookstore for some reading and knitting and just relaxing. 

Today, it's not so nice and sunny.  We are in the middle of a weak storm system and it's raining halfheartedly.  We got up and went to the gym (where the cycling class was whooping and hollering, it sounded like someone was being slaughtered),  went to brunch and then did the grocery shopping.  We chose to go to a different store today and found these.  CocoPops.  Now, when I hear that name, I picture a bird hopping up and down shouting "I'm cuckoo for Coco Puffs" but when I was a kid, I called them Coco Pops.  These are nothing like that.  I was in the grocery store looking for Pk (it's a different store and was very crowded) and suddenly heard a loud popping sound.  I looked and there was this machine shooting out discs.  I thought they were tortillas at first but when I walked over, I saw the machine said CocoPops.  They're kind of like rice cakes but thinner and made with wheat, corn, rice and sea salt.  Nothing else.  I asked the employee about them and he gave us a taste.  They're really good (and only 16 calories each!) so we bought some.  Of course I'll spread them with almond butter so that whole "no fat" thing flies right out the window.  We bought them because we liked them.  I don't buy diet foods or look for low fat (except in milk).  We just try to eat sensibly of the foods we like. 

So, now it'a almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I can't figure where the day went.  The food is put away and we have plans to grill some burgers and have some pilaf with them for dinner.  I have time now to sit and start getting myself into the "go to work" mindset for tomorrow. 

I read Geek Knitter and was enthralled as she made a lovely green shawl called Ancient Woodlands.  It was part of a lace club last year.  I loved the tree shapes that grew toward the middle.  I was happy to learn that the pattern has been made available for sale.  I went and ordered it and some green alpaca/silk laceweight to make it with.  It's for when I finish Evenstar and start going through lace withdrawl.  Now, I just have to wait for the yarn to come in the mail.  I am almost finished clue 6 on Evenstar and then only have a beaded edging.  It went so fast. 

Here's hoping you are all having a good weekend.


roxie said...

What a glorious way to spend a Saturday!! Good on you!

Hope the sunburn is mild.

Cool tool. PK gets nifty toys. And I am astounded at the ingenuito of our pioneer forefathers who built those things.

Jeanne said...

It sounds like a wonderful weekend - yesterday was beautiful but I didn't have a chance to spend much time outside - and we have a fire going today!

What yarn did you order for the shawl? I love this pattern and I'm trying hard to resist it right now...

Bells said...

i imagine that after the winter you guys have had, a long day in the warmth of spring is quite magical. What a way to spend it!

I admired Geek Knitter's shawl too!

amy said...

Without the wheat, those pop things sound great! I am very much enjoying rice/popcorn cakes as a salty, crunchy (gluten free) snack. I think I'm lucky that I naturally tend towards foods that are more healthy than not. I like sweet things, but only a little bit--then I want something clean and crunchy. Now my oldest is the same way! Luck of the genes, probably.

catsmum said...

very cool tool
and sounds like a well deserved enjoyable day - except for the sunburn

it was 3 degrees here overnight but the sun is up now and it looks glorious

Rose Red said...

mmmmm, your Saturday sounds just perfect! My cat loves it when I sit outside too - if she hears someone sitting in the cane chair, she immediately comes running from whereever she is to sit on our lap!

Can't wait to see your Evenstar, and your Ancient Woodland shawl - such a great pattern, I almost bought it too!

Anonymous said...

we have a breakfast cereal here too called cocopops. they are advertised as being 'just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy'. in other words, apart from the fact they are made from rice, they have no nutritional value whatsoever. good tho. and we have a day just like your saturday here right now and i need to do inside chores but really cant be bothered.

Saren Johnson said...

What a wonderful sounding weekend. Hope the sunburn goes away quickly.

Alwen said...

Sounds like a great day except for the sunburn. These spring days are tricky that way when they are sunny but not hot!

Amy Lane said...

Ahhh... what a lovely day... I love your husband's old tool collection-- how very clever men can be! (And women... mankind in general)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...