Thursday, May 6, 2010

Whew.  The allergy meds are finally kicking in and I feel like I can think .  It only took until 11 o'clock this morning for this to happen.  I have been sitting at my desk and feeling so fuzzy headed. 

Things have been quiet around here.  Everyone is well and healthy.  Knitting is happening.  The weather is spring-like which means sometimes it's really warm and some days you need a sweater and wool socks.  Pk and I are going to the gym regularly (and I'm listening to Janet Evanovich while I work out.  One of the Stephanie Plum novels which take place in New Jersey.  They make me laugh out loud as I'm lifting weights.  I'm sure that looks odd) and are feeling good.  We realized the other day that neither one of us has had lower back pain (which was pretty much a constant thing) for over a month.  It just went away and we didn't notice at first.  I am giving credit to the exercises for this.  The health professionals always said if you strengthen your abdominal muscles, your back will hurt less.  They were right.

Mother's Day is this Sunday here in the US.  It's the first year since my mom died and it feels a little strange.  Not that she and I celebrated together because we didn't.  Just that she's not here.

  I'm fortunate.  Pk will let me do whatever I want for the day.  He'll cook and clean up and generally let me sit around and knit or spin.  And he'll remind me that I am loved and cared for.  I'll think of all the people for whom this is a painful time and send out some healing thoughts for their sore hearts.  It has become something of a "made up holiday" but I think the notion of reminding people to be thankful for all the 'moms' in their lives is not a bad one.  There were (and are) several strong women that I am thankful to know.  Not all of them are related to me but all are important. 

Hopefully, I'll spend some time working on the beaded edging for the Evenstar.  It's a knitted on edging and I had such a hard time getting the hang of it while working on the Wildflower.  I'm hoping some of that hard won knowledge will have stuck in my brain and I'll get this one a little easier.  And I'll be knitting with beads! Like Roxie, that thrills my inner child quite a bit more than I expected it to. 

Well, I have to finish my yogurt and then eat my fruit and granola and drink my milk (sounds disgustingly healthy, doesn't it?) and get back to work.  We have a mandatory meeting this afternoon and I would like to get some work done before it saps all my will to live. The sun is shining and it looks like such a nice day.  I feel like a little kid with her nose pressed up against the glass.  In just 3 hours I can go out there, too. 
And tomorrow is Friday.


amy said...

Yesterday we played outside so late that dinner was late and baths were late and the 5yo just fell apart by bedtime. But it was so hard to come inside! It's so wonderful to have sunny afternoons...

roxie said...

There is a stairwell at work with floor to ceiling windows, and sometimes I press myself against them and wail, "Owowowowout!!" Then I put the leash on my inner labrador and we go back to work. Sigh. Hooray for knitting with beads! Hooray for allergy meds! Hooray for you, you rockin'momma!

Anonymous said...

even tho its autumn properly here now, we have one of those days too and i am setting up a little outside space to sit and knit for the rest of the day. i will put a tea cup out for you! i know what you mean about mothers day and thats all i have to say about it....

Anonymous said...

i love that as knitters, our idea of a fun day is sitting around and doing our thing. It's just so nice!

Alwen said...

I was reading a funny thread about "Mothra's Day", funny to me because we have lots of Mothra and Godzilla movies.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...