Thursday, June 3, 2010

Whew, it's a hot day.  We laid Aunt Joan to her much deserved rest today.  She was dressed in pink and was wearing blue handknit socks that I made for her.  Like me, she always had cold feet and it's comforting to know her feet are blanketed with love and wool. 

We had a nice day at Emily's house on Monday.  Jim barbecued some delicious chicken and of course hamburgers and  hot dogs.  We had potato salad and carrot cake. I made the carrot cake that Bells made and it came out delicious.  I changed it a little and put some frosting on the top.  If I were to do it again (and I probably will, it was soooo good), I'd leave that off.  I might put a little crushed pineapple in it, though.  And maybe some raisins.  Or I might just leave it alone. Sometimes recipes are fine just the way they are.  It was not as high as I expected but I used a wider pan than called for because that's what I had.

It was so hot, I didn't have the heart to ask anyone to model the Evenstar.  I draped it over the railing and then Kate held it up so I could show you the sheerness of the lace.  It's about 60 inches across and light and airy.  The beads add just enough weight but don't make it heavy.  It feels good to have it done but I was also feeling a little at a loss.  I didn't know what to work on.  I have 2 pairs of socks and a travelling woman shawl otn but I needed something different. 

I tried three times to start Ancient Woodlands but am having some difficulty so this is not its time.  I decided I needed something simple and colorful and came up with a scarf pattern from A Fine Fleece and decided to use the handspun I had just balled into a cake. The pattern is a wavy lace kind of thing and easy to memorize.  The yarn is soft and slightly fuzzy.  The colors move from orangeish to pinkish to some yellow bits.  It's small enough not to be too hot so I don't mind holding it.  It's the first thing I've done on straight needles in a long time.  I figure it'll make a nice Christmas gift for someone who doesn't mind hand washing their woolens.  I don't know what it is, I think it might be bfl but there was no label on the roving when I got it.

Work tomorrow and then the weekend.  Unfortunately, we are probably facing another funeral next week.  My brother's mother in law (whom we all adore) is very sick and on a ventilator.  They are removing the vent tonight and it's just a matter of time until she stops breathing.  She's  been sick so this is not a surprise, just a sadness.  Another strong, vital woman gone from our lives. 

I am not cooking tonight.  Too hot, too tired, no umph.  I think a nice chef's salad would be good.  I have all the ingredients in the fridge, I just have to put them together. I think I can handle that. 


amy said...

Wow, Donna Lee, your Evenstar is amazing!! Absolute beautiful work.

I'm sorry about the funerals.

Rose Red said...

The cake looks great and your Evenstar - wow!! Just gorgeous! You must be over the moon about it!

I'm sorry about the funerals too - always a difficult time - hope you all are doing ok.

Amy Lane said...

I was drooling over the shawl and then I saw the color of the new project... *drool*

I'm glad for the closure of the ceremony. And Goddess bless that woman and her handknit socks.

Bells said...

that's amazing! What a huge achievement! I love it to bits. Well done you!

Where did you get the recipe from? Was it online? I thought it was only in the book! Mine wasn't very high either. I had the wrong sized caked tin and need a smaller one.

Olivia said...

The evenstar is a triumph. I would say that just looking at those pictures, but even more so knowing what you went through to get there. No wonder it was hard to move on to another project.

I'm so sorry you're facing another loss in the family.

roxie said...

The handknit socks make me tear up. That's so sweet!

Your cake looks yummy. And Evenstar is stunning! What a work of art. Are you going to enter it in the county fair? You should.

Hugs, dear girl. You're in my thoughts.

Alwen said...

Sorry to hear you are facing another sad change.

Evenstar and your scarf are so pretty. I love that pinky-rose.

Kaye said...

Woah! That Evenstar is breathtaking! Way to go!

92 tomorrow. UGH!

Jeanne said...

Evenstar is beautiful - congrats on getting it done! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

so lovely to hear about the hand knitted socks keeping Aunt Joan warm, and so sorry to hear about the possibility of more funeral. i hope you do get the energy to blog more about evenstar because she looks AMAZING!

teabird said...

There's definitely too many sads in your life lately, so I am very happy that you have lovely projects to work on.
I vote for pineapple on top of the cake...

Dianne said...

That Evenstar is beautiful---a masterpiece!

Galad said...

I haven't tried lace yet (other than in socks) but your Evenstar is certainly inspiring me to consider it. Wonderful Donna Lee


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...