Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's Saturday morning here and it's comfortably cool (when you sit still).  I thought I'd share some photos from Atlantic City last Friday.

Where doesn fun fur go to die?  It gets made into hats and sold on the boardwalk.  I can understand wanting a hat when you're walking in the sun but who would want a fedora made of fun fur?  If you make it larger, you can see that it's knit.
I took these photos with Pk's little Canon that I got him to use in his shop so he can take photos of his wood projects.  Galoots share photos of their wips just like we do.

And because this is NJ, the Garden State (a rather out moded name), here is a photo of one of the farm markets that dot the highway on the way to/from the shore.   We took the AC expressway down so we could make good time but on the way home, we took the scenic route and stopped at two different farmers' markets.  I took a photo out front which immediately brought someone over to ask me if I needed any help.    I said not yet and walked inside.  There used to be markets like these all up and down the roads but they seem to be dying off.

We grow our corn big here. 

It's a chainsaw carving at the stand.  There was a bear as well but I liked the corn. 

And last, our last dinner with Lulu.  That's my niece Maggie holding onto Lulu.  She was fascinated by the whole idea.

Lulu left here to go to Canada last Monday and arrived safely on Thursday.  It cost less to get her there on Thursday than it would have to get her there on Friday.  go figure.  She is raising havoc and will hitch a ride home sometime later this month.

Pk and I took Friday and Monday off this week on a whim.  He went to an estate sale yesterday and picked up some more tools and I did some spinning.  Today, he's making me a drying screen thingy so I can wash some alpaca and dry it to spin. 

I finished all the available seasons of Bones and have started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I'm up to Season 3 and am strangely addicted.  I don't know why the show appeals to me.  I was not interested when it was on network television but now I find myself obsessively watching until late in the night.  I might need an intervention.  I have full intentions of stopping at the end of Season 3 but we'll see how that goes.

Today is laundry day and I'm going to take advantage of the more moderate weather and spin some more.  Tomorrow is picnic at the river day and then Monday is lake day. 

I love long summer weekends.


Bezzie said...

I don't think you're going to be able to stop at Season 3! But you're right, I didn't get into it either til it was going off the air.
I love that corn sculpture. It looks like an ear wearing a green skirt!

Louiz said...

good news about buffy addiction - there's a finite amount of buffy to watch!

DrK said...

i can not get enough of buffy. not only does she save the world, a lot, she saved my arse when i first moved here and needed something to distract with. i think i need to watch it again. love the chain saw corn. i thought we had the monopoly on strange large roadside objects, but apparently not. hmmm.

Rose Red said...

Who knew that's where fun fur went when it died??!!

I'm with the others - you won't be able to stop at Buffy season 3 - and nor should you - you really must watch at least up to season 6 - two of the best episodes ever take place in season 6. And then you know there's only one more season until the end of Buffy, so you may as well watch them all! And then watch them again. And again. And again...

(Obsessive re Buffy? who me? why would you have that idea?!)

Kate said...

You know, I have encountered the kind of people who wear the dead fun fur things. They are truly, uh...a vision. A vision of what, I don't know, but certainly a vision of something.

Jeanne said...

The hat is too funny - it makes me hot just looking at it.

It sounds like a wonderful weekend - enjoy your extra day off tomorrow!

bells said...

Hooray for Buffy! I was never interested when she was on TV either. It was only later when a friend wore me down and I tried it and well, we both fell in love. It may be about high school and college but it's so much more!

Look at that hat! Ugh! What do people really think? I wonder if some people really stop and think about the wearability of some items?

DPUTiger said...

Looks like a very fun trip. Never tried Buffy. Currently trying to catch up on NCIS!

Amy Lane said...

lOL-- okay, Chicken and I did the same thing with Buffy. We're in the middle of Season Six, and we love it, but it hurts now, so small doses only.

The chain saw corn is wonderful, but the fun fur hat is... painful! I'm sure Lulu had a smashing good time!

roxie said...

Buffy is pure escapism. She's a strong, beautiful woman with good friends and clear-cut enemies. And then, like a real human, she falls for the wrong guy. Just addictive!!

You were SO good to Lulu! I can see she just had a ball visiting with you. It was so much fun sharing her adventures in New Jersey.

Olivia said...

yeah, buffy gets under your skin. I actually loved the original movie and avoided the series for ages. Then when I did finally go there I loved it. There are some really wonderful characters who grow and change.

catsmum said...

Thanks for the very kind words about Nadie and Chris' quilt - but there's just the slightest chance you may be a bit biased :)
OH! and I agree with RoseRed ... Buffy season6 gooooooood
last season ...meh! ... too bleak
my favourite eps of all time are Passion [ series 3 ] and
Once More With Feeling [ the musical ]

Experimental Knitter said...

Sunday we went to a farm out in Oxford (or maybe it was Belvidere). Bought the best corn, apricots, peaches, and tomatoes ever. No corn in green hula skirts were sighted in our part of the Garden State though.

Galad said...

Buffy is just campy fun - enjoy :-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...