Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Even the muddiest of pools will become clear when left still and undisturbed.

This is today's inspirational quote.  For me, it's absolutely true.  There are times when my mind is so crowded with things and people that thoughts get swirled around and around and nothing is clear.  If I can take a few minutes to just close my eyes and breathe, things become less confused.  If I can wait till the next morning, things often become clear as my brain works the problems out while the rest of me sleeps.  Like the muddy pool, the things settle to the bottom as I rest.  And then the answers are so easy to see.  I'm always amazed at how efficiently my brain works things out when I'm not paying attention.

We're in a rainy period this last few days.  This morning it's not so much raining as misting.  It's like someone spraying you with a mister bottle.  Not enough moisture to require an umbrella but a hood is handy to keep your hair dry.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning and I'm sipping Pepsi.  No,this is not a usual thing for me but the train ride was a bit rough this morning and my stomach is unsettled.  Coke/Pepsi seems to settle it down.  When I was small, my grandmother used to give us Coke syrup over crushed ice for upset stomachs.  You could buy a bottle of Coke syrup in the pharmacy.  It worked every time and I used it for my girls as well.  I don't have access to the syrup all the time but I keep a can of coke in my mini fridge in the office for emergencies and we have a coke machine in our kitchen here.  I won't need much but a little will make a big difference.

I'll be getting my mandatory flu shot tomorrow morning.  I don't like being forced into this but my employer has decreed that all employees without a valid medical/religious reason must get a flu shot.  I'm sure there's some human rights violation here (since it requires foreign substances to be put into your body) but I'm not going to fight it.  I figure that if I get it tomorrow, I'll have time to feel the side effects (mild, flu-like symptoms) and get over them before Sunday.

On Sunday, Pk and I are celebrating our 29th anniversary.  (Yes, I was a child bride.)   We are going to Smithville for brunch.  (this is the only photo I could find this morning.  I took it off a tourist website).  I want to make sure I'm feeling myself.  This place has a wonderful linen tablecloth and china and silver type of Sunday brunch (and the food is really good).  There's also a touristy blend of shops from all over the world. It's a good way to walk off all the breakfast foods.  We really like it here and are looking forward to it.  The weather is supposed to be pure October, cool and sunny. 

What I can't for the life of me, figure out is how we could be married for 29 years.  I don't feel nearly old enough for that but evidently I am.  Being married to your best friend seems to make the years fly by. 

But, that's getting ahead of myself.  For today, I have a full clinic and some paperwork (ok, a lot of paperwork) to finish from yesterday afternoon.  And then there's the inevitable phone messages......
sigh.  Off to work now.


Saren Johnson said...

Happy 29! I swear you don't look a day over 25. =^.^=

They won't give me flu shots. I have a reaction to eggs, it's mild, but enough to make anyone think twice.

Louiz said...

Congratulations, happy anniversary. 29 years is a long time:)

roxie said...

Bravo! You picked a good one and stuck with hiim! Lucky PK!

Hope you feel better soon. We used Coke syrup too.

Experimental Knitter said...

Sigh... flu is so dangerous to many people. Maybe that's why your employer insists. Me, I'll get mine Thursday. And my employer makes me go for yearly TB testing, though I do have any patient contact. At least I benefit from the flu shot.

Congratulations on the anniversary. Plan something special for the 30th.

Anonymous said...

29 years, what an achievement. i dont know you did it, but huge congrats and hope you have a lovely time!

Rose Red said...

Hope the Pepsi did the trick and you had a good day at work.

Happy Anniversary! Soundslike you've chosen a lovely venue to celebrate.

Dianne said...

29 years? That's wonderful! Congrats!

Alwen said...

We just hit 22 years, and I can't believe that either.

I just got a flu shot this morning, and it doesn't seem to be bothering me at all this time, other than a little soreness in my arm.

bells said...

29 years! So much of your lives together - just lovely!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...