Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We had the most beautiful sunset yesterday.  There was a storm system moving through and you could just see the westernmost edges as the sun was going down.  It was shining on the tops of the trees and tall buildings but the rest was in shadow.  And then the colors.  They were spectacular. Oranges and purples and pinks and golds.   I wish I had thought to have my camera in my purse but it was home in the case with the other camera.  Not doing me much good.

Today, the camera is in my purse in the little pocket next to the cell phone.  We probably won't have another sunset like that one but now I'm ready in case we do. 

"We are all here on this planet, as it were, as tourists. None of us can live here forever. The longest we might live is a hundred years. So while we are here we should try to have a good heart and to make something positive and useful of our lives. Whether we live just a few years or a whole century, it would be truly regrettable and sad if we were to spend that time aggravating the problems that afflict other people, animals, and the environment. The most important thing is to be a good human being."

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Isn't he amazing?  I know I've said I have immense admiration for this man before.  He has the ability in just a few words to make me look at myself and my life and evaluate how I'm doing as a person.  He makes me re-examine how I am currently defining success and helps keep me on the path to being a good human being.

I am so thankful for this.


roxie said...

Makes you sort of wonder about the way they select the new Dali Llama, doesn't it? They sure got it right this time around.

I envy your sunset. We have complete cloud cover right now. Sunset is when it gets even darker.

Bells said...

he is a beautiful man. I think I will make a point of seeking out more of his readings. thanks for that Donna Lee.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...