Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Christmas Adam here for another 3 and one half hours. 

I had today off from work and managed to get an enormous amount accomplished, albeit slowly since I am coming down with a cold.  Not an at-death's-door kind of thing but a I'm-tired-and-my-throat-hurts-and-I-have-a-head-full-of-snot kind of thing. 

I baked the babka for Christmas morning and the chocolate torte that tradition (and my family) demands.  Both went well.  I did the laundry and cleaned the house and wrapped the presents. 

And then I took a nap. 

We were invited over to Patrick's mother's house for a holiday buffet and while the wise choice would have been to stay home, we went for a short while.  I'm sure it was nice but my heart (and the rest of my body) just wasn't in it.  Pk and Kate are out doing some father/daughter bonding time and shopping.  I am sitting on the bed in my pajamas with a cup of tea and some throat lozenges.  I plan to go to bed early and sleep late and be as lazy as humanly possible tomorrow. 

That won't be difficult.  The only thing on my agenda is to bake some cut out sugar cookies so we can decorate them in the afternoon.  I'm looking forward to it. And I promise to take photos of the creativity.  Pk and Kate have accepted this as a personal challenge to come up with unusual designs.  If they start drinking the eggnogg I made, they could be interesting indeed.

 The weather is clear and cold and windy tonight.  It's the kind of cold that blows right through you so I thought I'd make myself a cowl to wear.  I have scarves and hats (but I hate hats) and never saw the usefulness of a cowl until I saw someone pull one up over her head and voila, a hood that will not mash my hair and make my head itch. 

I expect that tomorrow will fly by as it always does now that I'm an adult (funny how slow Christmas Eve went when I was a kid).  I plan to do some knitting and put my feet up and let everyone wait on me.  I expect Em sometime early in the afternoon and Kate will be here around the same time.  Em and Jim will spend the night and Kate will come over with Patrick after they walk the dog in the morning.

I just didn't want the time to slip by without having the chance to wish you all a good holiday.

Merry Christmas! 

I wish you peace and love and contentment.  Cold eggnogg and warm hugs.  Laughter and joy and the ability to recognize how lucky we truly are. 


Anonymous said...

lucky we are indeed, although its easy to forget sometimes. we are already on christmas eve here, and its warm outside, i miss the little bit of snow i had, christmas makes so much more sense in the cold! but i have glazed a ham at least, and looking forward to some serious knitting and cricket watching. all the best to you and your family xx

amy said...

Merry Christmas!! We're tracking Santa this morning (he's in Russia right now, he'll be there for HOURS). I need to get the sugar cookie dough made and in the fridge, pick up some thread before the sewing store closes for a week and a half, and then bake and cook. I've been fighting off that cold for a couple of weeks--I think the dry air isn't helping. Enjoy your holiday! (And I think every day how lucky I am!!)

Kaye said...

Merry Christmas! Hope the snot subsides a little by tomorrow!

roxie said...

You've been so good and gotten so much taken care of beforehand that you are entitled to sit back and pamper that cold. Bless your dear, warm, generous heart!!

Galad said...

Thought of you all decorating the tree together and smiled. Have a wonderful Christmas full of joy and laughter!

Bells said...

how does one get to the point where putting your feet up and having everyone wait on you is possible? Can you advise?

Merry Christmas to you all!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...