Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday morning is Peter Kevin's time to browse flea markets and estate sales for old tools.  He gathers a wad of one dollar bills (the better to bargain with) and heads out to the Berlin Farmers' Market.  This is a local land mark and is an interesting place inside.  They have everything from tchatchkes for every holiday to a butcher stall where they sell some of the best (or so I'm told) kielbasa to an old fashioned barber shop with a pole out front and everything.

We go to the farmers' market mostly for the kielbasa and Pk gets his hair cut there.  They have hand made soft pretzels which are hot out of the oven and worth waiting in line for. 

For Pk, the real reason to go to the farmers' market is the flea market that's there on Saturday and Sunday mornings.  The market is only open Thurs-Sun and the flea market is a weekend thing.  The flea market has just about everything.  It amazes me what people will sell.  They just pull up their cars/trucks/vans and empty the backs onto the ground. 

We  bought an internal frame back pack for Kate for 15 dollars one year.  Yesterday, we bought a keyboard so Pk can do some troubleshooting on an older computer, a tool for Pk's collection and a copy of Stephen Kings The Stand which is one of Elanor's favorites.

We passed on the pulpit.  Just don't have the space for it in our house.  I did offer it to Emily, though.  They're looking for a coffee table and we thought they could put it on its side. She said No Thank You.   Where would someone find something like that?  At a church going-out-of-business sale?

It was cool but the sun was warm so it was an enjoyable way to spend the morning and we had a good time walking among the things people didn't want and were trying to sell. 

There was a large R2D2 cooler that we were admiring but decided to leave it there.  Where would we put it?  And besides, there was a kid admiring it and trying to talk his dad into buying it.  Who am I to deprive a small boy of owning a life sized robot ice chest?

We came home and decided that since today was supposed to be a rainy day anyway, we wouldn't do any chores.  We spent Saturday doing things we enjoyed.  I did some spinning and worked on my mystery shawl and Pk spent most of the afternoon in the garage.  It was wonderful but today is the day of reckoning.  There's a huge basket of laundry to be done and some cleaning needs to be accomplished.  If we don't dawdle too much, it won't take long.

It is raining this morning but it's not freezing.  It's warm enough to open the windows a bit and let some air in.  Soon, it'll be time to wash the windows and curtains, but not today.  Today I'm going to bake some scones for breakfast and make some fried chicken for dinner and wash a ton of clothing.  In between loads I can spin and knit and just nap in my comfy chair.

Not a bad day at all.


Rose Red said...

I love poking around flea markets too - you can sometimes find some real treasures there. Have never seen a pulpit though!

Bells said...

a pulpit! An R2D2 freezer! I just love it. It's worth going just to see those things isn't it?

We have something similar here every weekend and I haven't been in ages. they have some great food at ours too and lots of small garden producers selling veggies from their backyards at great prices. right, you've inspired me. I'm going again.

Saren Johnson said...

Glad Grilltech wasn't there, because he'd have to have R2D2 chest. Only for the coolness factor.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...