Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things that are New.  We have our first crocuses of Spring and we have our first new spinning wheel.

The crocuses just suddenly decided to show their faces after several days of rain and then some nice, kinda warm sunshine.  I was so happy to see their little bits of color peaking out of the mostly dead garden.  The daffodils are 6 inches high now and look like they might burst one day soon if only the sun keeps making return visits.

The spinning wheel is new.  When Pk found out he was getting a decent bonus this year (after no bonuses last year and layoffs to boot), he said he wanted to spend it on something fun.  He sent me a link for a spinning wheel that he thought I might like.

Now, you know I have a wheel. An old wheel that I have used to make some lovely yarns and upon which I spun all the yarn for his sweater in fact (on tiny bobbins).  But Saraspunda is wobbly and I work had to make that yarn and it's time consuming.  It never bothered me much since I'm rarely on a deadline.

But, the thought of a new wheel that moved smoothly and quietly (Saraspunda has an integral squeak) was enticing.  I thought about it and decided I wanted a wheel that was easy to travel with for when we go to the park, or to take to Em's house.  I went to my favorite yarn store and they had the Kiwi in stock and I got to play with it in the store.  I fell in love with it.  I bought one there and then.  Kate was with me and decided she wanted one, too. So, we had two wheels on the back seat of the car.

It's lovely to use, so smooth and easy.  It doesn't take much to make me happy.  My husband makes me happy.  He's going to spend his part of the bonus on computer parts.  Probably.  Or tools.  Maybe.  He's undecided.  He's going to put the finish on my new wheel this week and even offered to paint velociraptors chasing people around the edges for me.  Isn't he a sweet guy?  He's still going to make me a new wheel.  Now, instead of a travel wheel, he'll make something like an Ashford Traditonal with its graceful lines and clean looks.  He can take his time and plan it out. 

I spun a bobbin this afternoon and will endeavor to try the navajo plying again.  I hope it comes out well since the colors are so beautiful.  Sorry about the flash but it's nighttime here and I was excited to show you.

It's also Daylight Savings Time tonight.  I keep reminding myself to turn the clocks before I go to bed so I'm not quite as disoriented when I wake up.

Have you seen this game?  It's called Angry Birds and it's a hoot (no pun intended).  Pk played it on an ipad while Kate was looking at phones.  He got hooked very quickly and bought it for his iphone.  I was a little jealous so I found out I could get it for my computer.  It's fun and frustrating.  And a terrible time waster.  (Kate is sitting here next to me playing right now).

Tomorrow we have to do the laundry that didn't get done today due to the interference of the new wheel.  And grocery shopping or we won't have food.  And then we can relax and enjoy what's left of the weekend. 

And on Wednesday, there's snow in the forecast.  Sigh.


Rose Red said...

ooooh new spinning wheel! how exciting! I'm not surprised you didn't get much else done!

Kaye said...

Nice wheel!

Alwen said...

There's snow in our forecast, too, but - it won't last!

Taphophile said...

I love my Kiwi - I wish you much happiness with your. :)

Anonymous said...

ohhhh shes purty! i bet you make some lovely new yarns with that wheel! and spring flowers for you means cooler weather for me soon i hope so happy happy all around! as for angry birds, im not even going to LOOK at it!!

Saren Johnson said...

New wheel is awesome!

And yes, angry birds is fun and will suck you in.

roxie said...

I love the kitty toes next to the kiwi!

What did PK get with his bonus? Yay PK!! He is SUCH a wonderhusband!

bells said...

crocuses! Always such a welcome discovery.

I was an angry birds fanatic for about a month but got annoyed with how addictive it was. I gave it up and now play Words with Friends - I can just play when I want to, quickly, and then get on with other things. Does PK play Words with Friends? I'd love to hook up with him if he does!

Trujilloigid said...

ohhhh shes purty! i bet you make some lovely new yarns with that wheel! and spring flowers for you means cooler weather for me soon i hope so happy happy all around! as for angry birds, im not even going to LOOK at it!!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...