Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good Saturday Morning!  I don't know what the weather is like where you are but here it's grey and cloudy and wet.  Again.  It's Spring and we tend to get a lot of rain in the spring.  I have been feeling kind of out of things for the past week and thought I'd share some images with you.

Daisy strapped into the back seat of the car to go to Emily's house last week.  She sits very prim and proper right on the seat and the belt holds her secure. She carried Em's birthday present (wrapped in Transformers paper).  I'm looking for a pattern for a travel bag for her.  I don't want to pay well over a hundred dollars and I figure I can make one. 

Emily's cake with stars and Princess candles.  She's coming by today on her way to visit some friends.  Elanor's present for her birthday came in the mail and she's going to pick it up.

The grape hyacinths are popping up through the leaves and grass.  They're everywhere.  Did you know they smell?  I think they smell like grapes, well, like grape-flavoring.  It's very sweet.

The daffodils are in full flower.  As is the forsythia.  Do you have forsythia?  It's one of my favorite
bushes.  Especially when it's left to look wild and untrimmed.  NJ uses them alot on the sides of roadways.  I tried to get a photo but we were always moving too fast and so I found this image. 

The work week went fairly quickly and Pk and I took yesterday off.  He met with the gastroenterologist for an introduction to his upcoming colonoscopy (or as he calls it, "old guy test").  The actual procedure will be in May but yesterday was just a "Hi.  This is what will happen" kind of appointment.  Since his appt was early in the day, we went to the lws to buy some wood craft things.  It's in Delaware and the term "local" is stretched.  It takes almost an hour to get there and we spend less than a half hour there. 

It's right in downtown Wilmington.  It's a funny place.  See those lights?  That's the light path for pilots bringing planes into the airport.  It's eerie to be sitting at a traffic light and have a large flying object fly right overhead.  You can see that it was raining yesterday, too. 

We went to the seafood store and got some shellfish to treat ourselves to a fun dinner.  Crab legs are entertaining to eat once in a while but oh so messy.  They were delicious. 

My handsome Pk at brunch on Sunday, wearing his sweater.
 Pk has five sisters and a brother.  Both of his parents had cancer and three of his sisters have/had cancer.  One of our nieces had a double mastectomy at age 25, and now, 5 years later, the cancer is back.  She's such a lovely young woman and this is just breaking my heart. This is where my unease has its root.  I'm worried about her.
And there's nothing we can do but pray and hope and be there.

We're off to the grocery store and then the house cleaning needs to be done and the laundry.  A typical Saturday because life goes on.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


amy said...

Oh, I'm sorry about your niece. I hope for the best.

We have sunshine (sorry!). Earlier this week I took advantage of the sun and took the girl to the playground. It was 45 degrees and a stiff breeze was blowing, but the sun was out. Good enough for us!

Rose Red said...

Look at PK in his lovely jumper, sweet.

One of the roads near our airport has a tunnel over it - the top of which is a runway! It's very weird to be about to drive under it and see a huge plane basically landing on top of you! (thank goodness it isn't made of glass, that would be even weirder!)

I hope your niece will come through. Cancer is an awful awful thing.

roxie said...

Blessings on your dear niece. I hope she is living her life to the fullest.

And blessings on you and your handsome PK. What a nice, nice sweater he has! I love to hear about you two having fun together.

Anonymous said...

aagh so sorry to hear about your niece. its an evil disease but 'they' are making leaps and bounds treatment wise. at least PK is taking precautions. it sounds like you had a great weekend, despite the rain.

Bells said...

tell PK the colonoscopy isn't just for old guys. I'm about to have one too and I'm so not an old guy!

Or I should tell him myself since we're now Words with Friends buddies and I feel like I hear some of your news so much more immediately now in our chats! :-)

Denise said...

It's cooling down here, lots of crisp sunny days, but it'll be damp and cold before we know it. I do love autumn best of all, though.

I'm so sorry to hear about your niece, that's truly heart-breaking. I hope she can muster the strength for the battle again.

I love forsythia too, there used to be a lot around our houses when we lived in Connecticut (when I was a kid). And I have a small bush of it where I live now :)

Saren Johnson said...

Happy birthday Em!

(hugs) Sadly, we can't rewrite gentics.

Amy Lane said...

*g* Tell PK that I call mine "having my drain snake" or simply, "the drain snake".

And I'm sorry for PK's niece--and I understand the worry. Not just one but TWO of Mate's male relatives have had heart attacks IN THE CAR. I want him to exercise more--and he's SO THIN next to me, it's not even funny!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...