Friday, May 27, 2011

Good Friday Morning!  The sun has been out for the last few days and you can see the difference in people's moods.  I can feel the difference in mine. Sunshine is natural seratonin!

It's Memorial Day weekend here.  It means a long weekend for most people and a lot of people head down to the beach for the day or the weekend.  It's supposed to be a sunny, hot weekend so the beaches should be crowded.

We avoid the shore on holiday weekends.  It's so crowded and the traffic is unbearable.  We have no plans for the weekend other than to try to have a picnic by the river on Sunday.  Em and Pk are spending Saturday together just hanging out.  I'll get the laundry and stuff done early so I can spend the weekend working on my kal shawl.  We're going to a wedding in June and I'd like to wear it but I'm afraid I won't get it done in time.  It's growing with each row so it takes longer (and we all know how fast I knit!).  But I live in hope.

Our weather has gotten very summery in the last few days.  Hot and  humid.  It feels especially hard to take since we aren't acclimated to it yet.  Everything is done slowly.  The weather people (who are not known for their understatement) have been saying "Heat Wave!!!!"  I want to remind them that it's that time of year.

I have so much paperwork to get done today.  The last few weeks I've had a bit of trouble concentrating and focusing on work so I've let some stuff slide. The hightened stress shows in the patches of eczema and psoriasis that are cropping up on my arms and legs.  (just in time for shorts and sleeveless shirts)  It's not like me to be behind in my paperwork.  I usually stay on top of things here at work.  I have one (hopefully) short meeting this morning and then all day, I will be chained to the computer cranking out treatment plans. 

Make you jealous?  I'll bet it does.

Whatever your plans for the weekend, holiday or otherwise, I hope it's a restful, refreshing one.  I hope you make time to settle yourself into something that makes you happy.

Have a good Friday!


amy said...

I think it's ludicrous my kids still have a whole month of school left! I'm ready to be done right now. It's beautiful here today, and the yard wildlife is abundant. My middle kid is turning 7 on Monday and wants to go bowling, so we shall. And the rest of the weekend is blessedly plan-free. Enjoy your long weekend!

Saren Johnson said...

Hope you get the paperwork caught up. It really sucks being behind.

Grilltech is grilling today and into Monday. No leaving the house for us.

Anonymous said...

theyre so thoughtful and calm, those news people, arent they? not sensationalistic at all! hope you had a great weekend. its tuesday here already and wet and cold.

Amy Lane said...

Yeah-- and those of us in California would willingly take an extra fifteen degrees-- just until you guys get used to it...


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...