Friday, November 11, 2011

Today's photo is a close up of a crocheted basket weave stitch.  I have no idea how this is done.  One of my group members is making a blanket for herself and looked up on youtube how to do this.  She has already made two scarves and wants me to teach her to make socks.  I'm going to donate some sock needles and a skein of fngering weight yarn to the cause and get her started. 

We're having a good time deciphering crochet patterns.  It's been a long time for me and I have to read them aloud and then we play with the yarn and hooks until we get it. 

I love the way this looks and am so proud of the fact that she wanted to learn a new stitch and is now in the process of teaching it to others.  Best part of the knitting/crochet group?  The way the members help each other.  It's so cool to see someone else put down their project and offer help. 

Fiber folks.  They're the best no matter how experienced they are.


amy said...

That's so fabulous! And hurrah for YouTube!!

Galad said...

I found YouTube very helpful when I was learning to knit socks. It sounds like people are really enjoying the fiber group and learning something at the same time.

Bells said...

there are some things in crochet that leave me baffled. Like crochet cables. I've seen RoseRed do them and I think it's clever. One day I might learn to do them!

Rose Red said...

That's fantastic! How clever she is!

roxie said...

Kudos, Donna! YOu are leading a lot of people to skills and confidence.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...