Sunday, February 12, 2012

And one week later, we have a pair of socks.  I don't think I've ever made an entire pair of socks in so little time.  (except for maybe during Sock Wars but I didn't enjoy those). 

They're comfortable on the feet and even when worn in shoes, the "bumps" don't feel uncomfortable.  The construction worked out easily and the pattern was really easy to follow.

They'be become Elanor's Feb socks.  Although, I think she prefers knits, she's happy for anything I make for her. 

And Pat?  the woman at work?  When I went in on Thursday, she was indeed ready to give it all up.  "I can't do this!"  I showed her mine and she was amazed and then said she would keep trying.  By the time she left on Thursday, she had worked up to the heel flap.  With any luck, she'll be in on Monday so I can show her how to turn the heel.

Friday night we went shopping after work since we were predicted to have some ugly weather this weekend.   We woke up Saturday morning to some wet snow that was all gone by afternoon. 

We went to my brother's house to help my niece with a science project (we were guinea pigs as she took our blood pressure and had us listen to music and then took our bp again) and it was snowing again on our way home.  It was colder and this morning, we woke up to another light dusting. 

The spring bulbs are going to be confused.  The crocuses will be ok since they're used to this kind of thing.  But I'm worried about the hyacinths and tulips.  They're not quite as hardy.

Peter Kevin says I shouldn't worry but you can see the tulips are well above the ground which is not normal for February here.  The days of warm, sunniness may have done some damage.

I watched The Help this afternoon and for once, a movie was just as absorbing as the book.  The characters were just as I'd imagined them and the acting was amazing. 

Tomorrow we are in for a major inspection at work.  They're looking at money and how it's spent and they'll be looking for us to have to give some back.  We, of course, don't want to give any back.  It's one of the more stressful of the inspections.  Our charts are in line and we're ready to discuss "the good work we do" so now all we can do is take a deep breath and get through.  Cross your fingers for me.  I have enough work to do on a regular week.

Other than that, this weekend was about the cooking.  I made some really good seafood bisque last night and tonight I'm frying some chicken.  I lovelovelove fried chicken but don't make it more than maybe twice a year since it's top of the "bad for you" list of foods.  And no, while baking it in the oven is passable, it's not nearly the same.  I'm going to enjoy this.

Pk and I are going back to the gym.  We feel better when we go and we like feeling better so we'll go.  It's never been about the dieting and losing weight but about the being able to walk up the stairs without being out of breath.  That's our goal and I think we can do that!

Now, if we can just keep it up.


roxie said...

Even one trip to the gym is better than no trips to the gym. Every time you go, you are a winner and it's a success. Yay for you!

Fried chicken - drool. Why does the stuff that tastes SO GOOD have to be so bad for us?

Crochet really is so much faster than knitting.

Rose Red said...

Yay for a finished pair of socks and yay for your client! Fantastic!
good luck with the inspection, I hope you do really well and don't lose any funding.

Saren Johnson said...

Sending you good thoughts about the review. (Hate those.)

Yip, we're back to the gym today also. And it's not the pool. :(

Galad said...

Good for you going back to the gym and finishing the socks!

I don't make good fried chicken so haven't made it in years. Any tips?

Kaye said...

Good luck with your justification inspection! Ah bureaucracy!

I do love the colors on those socks--reminds me of hyacinths! Ha ha!

Olivia said...

The crochet socks look great! I'm not sure I could wear crochet on my feet but then I have trouble with knit socks some of the time. It's wonderful that Elanor is such a happy recipient of the things you make. Great that Pat is continuing with hers, it sounds like it will be a huge confidence boost if she can keep at it and see a successful sock.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...