Monday, April 2, 2012

Amy reminded me that April is National Poetry Month.  I know that I've often said ee cummings is my favorite poet (and he is) but I also admire Billy Colllins who was once the Poet Laureate of the US.  His poems are spare and evocative and listening to him read them is the very best part of the experience.

So, to start off Poetry Month, I present


You know the parlor trick.

wrap your arms around your own body

and from the back it looks like

someone is embracing you

her hands grasping your shirt

her fingernails teasing your neck

from the front it is another story

you never looked so alone

your crossed elbows and screwy grin

you could be waiting for a tailor

to fit you with a straight jacket

one that would hold you really tight.

Billy Collins

Otherwise, spring is moving along here.  I am spinning quite a bit because I am so enjoying the cupcakes I bought from Joan (cupcake fiber co.).  They are so well prepared that there is no need for predrafting at all and the singles almost spin themselves.  I am on bobbin number 3 and as soon as Pk finishes making me a lazy kate that holds 3 bobbins, I'll ply it.  I'm hoping for a nice fingering.

I spent most of the last week nursing myself and then Peter Kevin through spring colds.  This involved many boxes of tissues, bags of cough drops, cold medications and cups of hot tea.  Happily, we are through the worst of it and are definitely feeling better.

Work calls so I'm off.  Happy Monday to you all.


Saren Johnson said...

Spring colds are the worst! Hope you feel better soon.

amy said...

Oh, great choice, Donna Lee, to post something by Billy Collins.

I have that cold now. The day after my husband got home, I woke up with a sore throat, and it's just gone downhill from there. At least he's back, and I got to rest a little bit yesterday with a mug of hot water, lemon, and honey.

roxie said...

OK,you've had your cold, so you don't get to have another turn at being sick untill fall. Gladtohear that you and the darling PK are on the mend, but take it easy, ok?

Love the poem!

Rose Red said...

That is a great poem.

I'm sorry you've both been sick but hope you are over the worst of it and have lots of sunshiny days ahead.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...