Thursday, April 26, 2012

if up’s the word;and a world grows greener

minute by second and most by more—

if death is the loser and life is the winner

(and beggars are rich but misers are poor)

—let’s touch the sky:

with a to and a fro

(and a here there where)and away we go

in even the laziest creature among us

a wisdom no knowledge can kill is astir—

now dull eyes are keen and now keen eyes are keener

(for young is the year,for young is the year)

—let’s touch the sky:

with a great(and a gay

and a steep)deep rush through amazing day

it’s brains without hearts have set saint against sinner;

put gain over gladness and joy under care—

let’s do as an earth which can never do wrong does

(minute by second and most by more)

—let’s touch the sky:

with a strange(and a true)

and a climbing fall into far near blue

if beggars are rich(and a robin will sing his

robin a song)but misers are poor—

let’s love until noone could quite be(and young is

the year,dear)as living as i’m and as you’re

—let’s touch the sky:

with a you and a me

and an every(who’s any who’s some)one who’s we
ee cummings  (of course)
This is my selection for Poem in My Pocket Day.  I won't pretend to understand this piece.  I only know it makes me smile and feels hopeful. 


amy said...

I love this line: "it’s brains without hearts have set saint against sinner"

Brains without hearts, what a terrible condition. Let's touch the sky. Great selection, Donna Lee!

Kate said...

I like the idea of touching the sky. What a hopeful sounding prospect.

Sheepish Annie said...

It really does sound quite hopeful doesn't it? A perfect Spring poem!

roxie said...

With a hey and a ho and an oh, here we go
with a swing, sing a song of joy over woe.
How poetic this makes me,
it veritably takes me
to places I didn't know poetry goes.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...