Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I thought today would never end.  This was an odd week for me.  On Monday, my computer at work wouldn't come on when I pressed the control, alt,del like normal (one of the IT guys told me to shut it off and let it restart at the end of each day so it would already be booted up in the morning).  I got a BSOD (blue screen of death).  Usually, a blue screen means bad things are happening.  It also said something about dumping my files.  I thought that couldn't possibly be good.

I turned it off and called the marvelous folks at our Help Desk.  And I do not use the word marvelous lightly.  They are always polite and helpful and they are all so smart.

The nice man I got to talk to on Monday told me in essence, I should have probably allowed the dump to continue and then I might have been fine.  But now, my hard drive had crashed and was probably not salvageable.  He gave me a ticket number and I answered some questions during which I admitted this was not an EMERGENCY.  No direct patient care would be involved, just all of my work. (they thanked me for being honest as it seems everyone else in the health system seems to believe their computer is the most important one in all the world).

Sean, the IT guy came over and ran a few quick tests only to confirm what I already knew.  The hard drive was dead.  He told me I would get my computer back on Tuesday.  I used a coworker's for the day and got a surprising amount of work done.

Pk and I left work early to go back to the mechanic and get the computer (again with the computer!) checked.  He also repaired the a/c.  He told us we could go through inspection and would pass but he couldn't give us a sticker so we still weren't legal. 

Tuesday morning, as promised, Sean gave me my machine back but it was naked.  No favorites, no saved email addresses.  I fortunately had most of my favorites saved as a Word document so I could find them again.  This is not just Girl Genius comics but also Prior Authorization forms that I use on a fairly regular basis and also links to discount drug places.  I had most of them saved.  It took me a little while to reload them into their proper spots. 

My wonderful supervisor let me leave early again on Tuesday and we got to the inspection center and finally got the inspection sticker that allows us to legally drive the car.  Whew. Now we don't have to worry about getting a ticket.  We can drive our very clean and shiny car anywhere we want. 

Today was the longest day of the week.  I actually stayed till the end of the day (although leaving early Mon and Tues did not mean that I won't have my required number of hours-I put in extra most pay periods, this one will have 3/4 of an hour over.  Not too bad)  I had Vacation Brain all day and didn't get much accomplished.  I made sure the person covering me had anything he might need and changed the message on my machine but the rest of the day was pretty much a blur.

But now we're free!  For 6 days.  Tomorrow we have some errands to run (one of which is to go and get the vegetables) and then dinner in the park.  Friday will be a lake day.  Saturday will be for laundry and puttering around.  Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will be for the movie marathon and lounging around (it's supposed to rain and be unpleasant).  I am hoping to get some spinning and knitting done.  Pk is hoping to putter in his shop.  It's been too miserable all summer to spend much time outside so this will be nice.

Is it odd to celebrate Labor Day by having a day off?  Seems so but I'll never turn down a long weekend. 

I know it's only Wednesday but since I'm officially on vacation, it feels like Friday.  So, Happy Almost Friday! 


amy said...

I was having a hard time explaining Labor Day to my son today, especially since the tagline (something about thanking the people who brought you a 40-hour workweek, right?) doesn't really apply to lots and lots of people anymore, does it? When I was working for a paycheck, it was always more than 40 hours per week (and often more than one paycheck, too). I can't imagine things have changed much.

I wish it were Friday. I am not adjusting well to the school schedule. I'm exhausted!

Saren Johnson said...

Enjoy the vacation!!

I'm taking half a day on Friday. Sure it annoyed the Gnome, but I need it.

Galad said...

Enjoy your time off, movies and knitting/spinning. Six blissful days to relax! Doesn't get much better than that.

roxie said...

Way to take care of yourself! Sounds like a splendid plan for the weekend. Enjoy, enjoy!

Rose Red said...

It is Saturday here already, where did the time go? Hope you are enjoying your lovely long long weekend!

DrK said...

yay for long weekends! i hope it is proving relaxing and not too hot. if its any consolation, its only the 3rd day of spring here and i can tell we're in for a scorcher! take it easy, you and PK xx

Amy Lane said...

Okay-- lookit you! Computer problems, car problems, and you've got nothing but silver linings! I need to stop by more often-- you make the world a better place!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...