Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday morning 9 AM.  This is a progress shot of the inside.  I am standing right inside my front door looking into the kitchen dining room.  That island counter is coming out today and the blue tarp on the side is coming down and the roofer is finishing up the walls.  We'll put the windows in the back and start ripping up the old flooring and putting down temporary flooring in a short while.

I just got back from the bank (oh my goodness have I been spending money this weekend), Walmart for some frozen lasagna, salad fixins and plastic plates so we can have a real meal for dinner.  I've been throwing things into the crock pot and that's been good but we need a more balanced meal.

I hear Pk and Ken (roofer guy) down there now so I have to drink the rest of my smoothie and take my medicine and head down to help.  Hopefully, by the end of today we'll have most of this stuff cleared away and we can use the kitchen. 
We're headed off to work tomorrow (for some rest!) and then maybe get the first inspection on Wednesday afternoon.  With any luck, we can get the other inspection Thursday or next Tuesday and then we can enclose the ceiling and we'll have reached our goal of things to finish before Christmas. 

It's totally doable, just keep moving forward.


roxie said...

Best of luck with inspections and schedules, and big massaging hugs for your tight back and shoulders.

Bells said...

an excellent goal - all done for Christmas would be so great. Fingers crossed!

Galad said...

It will be wonderful eventually :-) Looks like you are making great progress!

Saren Johnson said...

One foot in front of the other. You'll be done in no time!

Sheepish Annie said...

What a fantastic Christmas it will be in your new and upgraded digs!

DrK said...

its going to look so great. what a mammoth effort!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...