Wednesday, January 23, 2013

So, Blogger and I have not been getting along well for a while now.  This is part of the reason for the very infrequent postings here lately (the other part is the massive sinus infection I have been harboring since the holidays and all the messy dust we stirred up reroofing the house). 

I start a post and can't get it to Save or Publish.  I can't browse my photos and can't add any photos to the post.  I'm not sure what's going on but started to explore alternative sites.  Anyone have a favorite? 

Here's a roundup of the past few weeks.

-It's cold here for the first time this winter.  REALLY cold (Ok, if you're Canadian, this is positively balmy), it's been below freezing for the past few days.  I hate having cold toes.  This morning the trains were having some issues and I was later than normal getting to work.

-I am very grateful for the small heater that sits under my desk and is pumping very warm air at me as I sit here and write. 

-Pk has decided he might like to change the living room and get rid of the totem pole in the middle of the room.  He is exploring the possiblilty of a "mircolam" board which could possibly span the entire room and not need a brace in the middle.  This could be cool but it would mean not putting up the sheetrock until we order and install the new beam. 

-Pk and I spent the weekend being sick.  He has a cold and I have a sinus infection (I've had it for a while but have been ignoring it, hoping it would go away).  We went to the dr on Monday and procured medications.  I think I slept for 15 hours at a time.  I'm back to work today and could put my head down on the desk and sleep.

-It snowed here on Monday night.  Not enough to really count but enough to lift our spirits a bit.  We love snow but our area is not known for getting great quantities of the stuff.  And now, with a new, strong roof, we wouldn't have to worry about it being too heavy. 

-I have 3 1/2 bobbins of singles ready to ply for my sweater.  I haven't been able to pay much attention to it for the past week (sinus infections make me feel really out of it and I lose focus), you can see the difference in how neatly the bobbins are wound.  I want to ply the yarn this week and then wash it so I can begin to work on my sweater again.  I'd love to have it to wear today since I am freezing here. 

-In other craft news, Kate and I finished enough trees for Em to add to her collection and give out at her party.  She had a lovely engagement party.  I brought home a tree and put eyes on it.  Now it has a personality. 
Peter Kevin has been working hard, despite his cold to put the gutters on the front of the house.  Now I can stick my head out the door and not have cold rain hit the back of my neck.   When we changed the line of the roof, we changed the placement of the gutter.  We still have to put the siding back up and then put gutters on the back and then start tearing the old porch off the back so we can put up a new one.  It's not just for relaxing in the summer but also helps keep the rain out of our rec room.  

-There's not much else going on.  We've been slow and sleepy, just like some animals are all winter.  Maybe we should be hibernating?  

-Pk and El are at a funeral/memorial this morning for his sister's father-in-law.  I didn't know him well but the few times I met him,  he was a lovely gentle man (in the most true sense of the words).  I wanted to go but after having been out sick the past two days I couldn't take the time to go.

-Pk and I are going back to the gym twice a week.  He's doing better than I am.  I have had such headaches with this infection that the idea of aerobic exercise makes me sick.

-We signed up for a subscription to the NY Times epaper.  I missed having a newspaper to read but we actually read it so seldom that it was a real waste of paper.  This way, if I miss a day, I don't feel like I've wasted anything.  So far, I'm enjoying it. 

I suppose I should deal with the phone messages that have been left on my phone.  I dealt with the emails this morning already.  I have group this morning and this afternoon so I have to be awake.  That will be the challenge of the day, keeping my eyes open.      

I'd be interested in any suggestions for alternate blog hosts.  Tell me who you use and if you like them.  I appreciate it.                        


amy said...

My other blog is on Wordpress. There are things I prefer about WP, and things I prefer about Blogger. It's easy enough to navigate.

It was in single digits this morning (not sure what it is now; I haven't gone outside again yet). The heat has been running constantly and it's not set that high. It just can't keep up.

Saren Johnson said...

I use blogger, but have a web server - I don't use an outside source for photos. It might be the browser you're using that is causing the problem.

DrK said...

well i switched from blogger to wordpress a while ago and i really like it. it has a good user dashboard and you have a lot more control over how your posts look and what you can add to them. its very easy for photos. it just takes a little while to chose the right template and set up the widgets how you want, but i would never use blogger again. i've been watching with envy your big freeze, we are burning to death down here:
im hoping theres some of that cold left when i get there! and hopefully your sinus infection clears soon.

roxie said...

So sorry about your sinus infection. Hope you are getting on top of it. Antibiotics?

Do not do aerobics with a sinus infection. Go sit in the steam room and loosen things up. It's a wonder you even make it to the gym! You are a super trooper!

Rose Red said...

I use wordpress too. It was very easy to switch over, and it keeps all your blogger posts and comments too.

Hope you are entirely over your sinus issues by now.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...