Monday, June 10, 2013

I am sitting here being very very grateful for the small heater that lives under my desk at work.  When Pk and I left the house this morning, it was spritzing.  A few drops here and there.  No need to panic and run inside for the boots.

30 minutes later, as I walked toward the steps out of the underground train station, I could see the water cascading down the steps and knew I was in trouble.  I pulled out my (Van Gogh sunflowers) umbrella and headed out into the deluge.  And a deluge it was.  I only walk 2 blocks to work but my legs were wet from the knees down and the back of my sweater from where my umbrella dripped on it was soaked.

The heater is drying my pants and keeping me from being too cold here in the a/c.  The phone has been ringing and I'm pretty sure it's people cancelling appointments due to the weather.

We have had a fair amount of rain this year, not a bad thing because it makes for lush green grasses and lots of blooms. 

The "sticks" have been growing and growning and we still have no idea what they are!  They started out, literally as sticks about 18" tall, all brown and naked.  They just keep getting taller and the growth at the top is green and looks like it will keep going. 

Our plants from MDSW have small yellow flowers on them and will hopefully continue to fill out the bed.

This was a mixed bag of a weekend.  I broke the glass on my ipad in a stupid accident.  I hit it with a dinner plate (it slipped out of my hand and hit the front of the ipad just so) and it shattered the glass on the camera end.  It still works but there is a large crack running through one corner.  I called Apple and they do not replace the glass on ipad2 but will take it as a trade in and give me a discount on a new one.  We'll go see how much that will cost before I decide to replace it.

In more pleasant news, Em and I went shopping for her dress pattern/material yesterday and we came up with this
pattern.  That's the blue satin she chose and the white is an embroidered tulle.  We'll use the edges of that to stick out of the bottom of the dress as an accent and then some of the motifs from within the fabric to put on the bodice. 

It went better than I thought.  Em had a very definite idea of what she wanted and I wasn't sure we would be able to find it.  There aren't as many patterns available (even online) as when I was learning to sew. But, we got lucky and found a very similar style that Em likes and I think will look flattering on her.  It's evern fairly simple.  I've never used Burda patterns before but it doesn't look too difficult.  Making sure it fits well will be the most difficult part.  Satin is a pain to work with because of the slipperiness of the fabric but it's so worth it for the shine and drape of it.

Other than that, our weekend was a quiet one.  We did some chores and mostly tried to stay dry.  It rained and rained and rained on Friday into Saturday.  We had to pull out the pump and clear out the crawlspace.  Pk's shop in the garage flooded and now needs a bit of a clean up but he'll have to wait until this storm moves through.

I have a full day and last night suffered a bout of insomnia.  Something woke me around 1:30 and I couldn't fall back asleep.  I'm a bit on the tired side today but it's a busy one so hopefully, it'll keep me awake.

Happy Monday to everyone. 


Galad said...

I hibernated all weekend because it was so hot. Wish we could trade for a day :)

I love the dress pattern and fabrics. It should be a lovely dress. I haven't sewn in years but remember that satin is tricky to work with because it is slippy.

roxie said...

Such an elegant dress! She's going to be a beautiful, beautiful bride.

Hooray for your heater. What would you do without it? If you have hot air hand-dryers in the bathroom, you can use those to dry out items of clothing, but it's so much more efficient to sit at your desk and be comfortable. You folks do get some serious rain!

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by the dress! Wow!

Saren Johnson said...

Can't wait to see how the dress turns out.

Rose Red said...

That is a gorgeous dress. Good luck with the sewing. I think I read a ip about sewing with satin on Gertie's blog. Will come back here with the link, if I can find it again.

Rose Red said...

No, I was wrong, it wasn't about sewing it, it was about cutting it. Anyway, here's the linky, hope it helps!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...