Monday, December 8, 2014

Global warming must be a reality.  Our weather has been so up and down lately.  Today, for instance, it is 26 degrees and a bit breezy.  Cold.  Last week we hit 65 degrees and were wearing light jackets/sweaters.  Today I pulled out the scarf and mittens and woolen coat.  Gotta love it.

This past month was a difficult one for us.  Pete continues to look for a job and while he has what he considers "good" interviews, the companies always "go in another direction" (hire someone else).  He had 2 really good ones last week and we are waiting to hear what happened.

I was sick the second half of November.  I had walking pneumonia and spent two weeks coughing so hard my ribs hurt.  I was so full of cold medicines and antibiotics that my brain wasn't good for much.  At this point, I still have a froggy voice and some serious coughing but I am able to sleep and so am gradually getting my energy back (remember how easy it was when we were 18 to just go to bed and wake up feeling great?)

At work, we are having inspections by the State and also our Major Payor.   Their regulations are so arbitrary but we try to follow them as best as we can.

Yesterday, while talking to Emily, she told me about this bread.  It's called My Mother's Peasant Bread and is probably the easiest bread I've ever made.  It takes about 2 1/2 hours total and requires no kneading.  It is not a complicated, fine crumbed loaf but a heavy, peasanty loaf that will soak up the butter.  I made some to go with our turkey soup for dinner and it was really good.  Surprisingly good.  It didn't look like it was going to be successful while I was making it but when I cut it, mmmmm, it smelled and tasted great. (the recipe is online)

I put up the holiday decorations yesterday.  Pk put up most of the outdoor lights while I played around indoors.  It made it easier to deal with the idea that it will be Christmas in just 3 weeks.  It still blows my mind to consider how fast the time is going.

The days are noticeably shorter.  It makes for interesting shadows, like this one from the setting sun.  It looks like an artistic rendering of a sunset. 

I don't mind the shorter days.  It makes me want to cuddle up under a blanket with something warm to drink and someone to cuddle next to.

And what's better than that?


Galad said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend and keeping a good thought for PK. Thanks for the bread review. I'm going to give that a try over the holidays with some homemade soup.

Saren Johnson said...

Hope you're feeling better. Where is the link to the recipe? Now I've got to Google it myself. =^.^=


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...