Monday, November 9, 2015

Image result for fall clipartThank you all for the birthday wishes.  And thank you for saying I "don't look 58".  I hear that all the time.  I think when you see "older" folks on television, they always look much older than they are supposed to be.  Peter Kevin and I have been married for 34 years.  When people on tv celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary, they always look old.  I know we were young when we married (We were 23-which seems so very young to me now).  My usual response is, "Well, this is what 58 looks like!"

The best laid plans.....

We had planned to have a joint birthday party on Saturday for Jim (who turned 30 at the end of October) and me.  I bought candles that added both of our ages together so, 88 and a large ice cream cake.  I had all the fixings to make lasagna and quiche (for my vegetarian friend).  We were going to have dinner and play games.

Until I woke up Saturday morning with intense Intestinal Distress.  I thought it was something I ate and would be fine once it was all out of my system.  Wrong.  It must have been a virus because between time spent running to the bathroom, I slept.  All Day.  I called and canceled the dinner and my friend told me she had been sick all morning as well.  By the end of the day, I could tolerate a smoothie and then yesterday I just took it easy and ate lightly.  Today, I feel fine.

Image result for fall clipartPeter Kevin spent most of the weekend at Kate's new house.  She and Patrick made settlement on Wednesday and are now homeowners.  They have 3 weeks until they have to be out of their apartment so they are painting and putting in a new stove and other things that are easier done while the house is empty.

It's hard to believe that we are thinking and planning for the holidays already.  Thanksgiving is 3 weeks away.  I think we are going to Jim's sister's house for the meal and then we will have our own meal on Saturday or Sunday.  That way we get to enjoy the things that make the holiday special for us and still be sociable and enjoy our family-which is the point of the holiday after all.

I am well on my way to having the few things I will hand knit for Christmas done.  I am not one of those folks who works well with a deadline.  I am a slow knitter but I'm ok with that.  I don't plan to make sweaters for everyone.  I make socks, mitts, hats and the like.  Pk will get a new pair of what he calls Fire socks.  He thinks they are lucky so I try to make sure he always has a pair in case he feels he needs a bit of luck.
Image result for fall clipartThis time of year can be stressful at work.  People are running around trying to find that perfect Hallmark holiday somewhere.  No matter how many times we talk about making our holidays our own and that they are perfect however they happen, it doesn't change.  We are so brainwashed that everyone has to be happy and smiling and that all the things have to look just so.  I share the holiday stories that I have where things have been less than perfect and how that makes them the most memorable ones.  I don't think my clients believe me.

Our holidays have been good ones mostly because we spend them together.  There have been years when there has been a bit of extra money so things were easier and years when money was rather tight.  Those times call for a bit of extra creativity but they were always fun anyway.  This year, Christmas falls on a payday.  We are planning to get up early on the 24th and hit the grocery store and then have a leisurely rest of the day.  It will all work out somehow.  It always does.

And here I am at my desk on a Monday morning.  It's a bit chilly in here.  On Friday, the early morning temp was 70F (21C).  I didn't need a jacket.  Today, I was regretting now wearing my mittens.  It was 39F (3C).  What a change!  As much as I enjoyed the warm days, I hope it stays cool.  It feels more like Fall when it's cold.

Have a good week, everyone. 

1 comment:

Saren Johnson said...

I'm not even thinking about Christmas yet. However, we do have our Thanksgiving meal mapped out.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...