Sunday, January 29, 2017

Number. 4

I think Sunday afternoon is one of my favorite times of the week.  Usually, everything is already prepared for the upcoming week (my bag is packed and my laundry is done), dinner is in the oven (tonight roast chicken with mashed potatoes and fresh green beans) and it's a time for walks, movies, books and just plain spending time with my husband.

The house smells delicious as the chicken cooks.  Yesterday I made a loaf of a citrusy challah
We had it for dinner last night with a spinach quiche.  I fixed dinner for my friend's birthday.  We played games and ate hot fudge sundaes.  She doesn't like cake (I know!  How can that be possible?  But it's true) so I got iced cream and hot fudge and whipped up some cream.  It was a good substitute for birthday cake.

 I made a sweater and some tiny socks for a coworker's new granddaughter.  I love this color for a baby.  It's not typical and pastel.  I am working on finishing up my wips and then I want to collect all the bits and pieces of leftover sock yarn to make a Log Cabin blanket.  I have been wanting a big project and that will certainly be big.  I'd like to put it in the living room as a colorful accent.

 Have you seen the new photos from NOAA's new satellite?  Isn't it beautiul?  I find it breathtaking.  We have such a beautiful planet.  We really should be more appreciative.  And I say this with full awareness that our new President has already approved the oil pipelines and is planning to gut the Environmental Protection Agency.  If you google NASA, NOAA GOES photos, there are several more.  

We're expecting precipitation overnight, probably wet, heavy snow.  It won't accumulate, it'll just be enough to make a mess of the morning commute.  It's not a real problem.  It just takes a bit of planning so I am not late.  I hate to be late.

Did I ever tell you about  It's a daily email with discount priced ebooks.  They can be from brand new authors (to get awareness of them out there) or the back catalog of established authors.  They are priced at less than 2.99 and some are free.  You go to the website and sign up.  They will ask you for your preferences and then every day you get an email with 6 or 7 books in those catagories.  I have learned that if I get the books through amazon, I can get Audible narration for 2 dollars or so.  This makes them audio books.  I love audio books.  And this is cheaper than a membership to audible.  

Well, that's all I've got.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Work has been rather busy this month.  Partly this is because insurance companies change their formularies and suddenly people need extra paperwork to get their medicines.  It makes for some anxious people and no one ever knows until they go to refill a prescription.  That's when I get to spring into action and go to battle with the insurance companies and drug stores.  It means that each day can seem to be a light work day and turn out to be rather busy.

Tomorrow should not be busy.......Unless the snow/rain keeps people home.  That brings its own kind of chaos.  

I hope your week is not more than you can handle and that everyone you have to deal with is reasonable  and pleasant.


Olivia said...

Hi Donna Lee! Love your baby knits. I always think bright colours are best and unusual combos too

kayT said...

That bread looks delicious.

Galad said...

Yummy looking bread and beautiful baby knits!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...