I have been steadily working on the Torreador Monkeys and have almost finished one. For some reason this week it has been hard to stay awake past 9 pm and I have been falling asleep earlier. Maybe it's the cooler weather we have been having. Here is a photo of the sock blocker I made from a coat hanger. It was laughably easy
and free!
I am waiting for Peter Kevin to seal up the parts I cut off. The instructions say to leave the hooks on so you can wash your socks and hang them up out of the way to dry but I didn't want them on there so I cut them and now have taped them together. They work really well. I'm not sure where the spot in the photo came from because there is no spot on the shirt I used as a background. How odd.

I have been reading blogs for only a few months and I am in awe of the women I read about. This stems from a conversation I had with Emily a few days ago. From 1992 - 94, my husband and I were separated. It's a long story but the gist of it is that I got to be a single mother of three children who were at the time 2,5 and 7. I was working full time and taking care of my precious girls. We refer to those two years as "the dark years" but I don't remember them as being dark. We didn't have much money but we have a wonderful local library and boy did we make use of it! We spent a lot of time reading and watching movies that we got for free at the library. The other night Em said "I don't know how you did it. It must have been hard". My response was "you do what you have to do". I think that's what impresses me about the women I read every day. Some folks have so many things to deal with but they are dealing and moving on with their lives. They are doing what they have to do and sometimes seeing the humor in everyday life. And they take time out to offer blessings and send words of praise or comfort to anyone who needs it. It is inspiring and wonderful.
Thank you all for being a treasured part of my day.
I think that's how a lot of people get through the hard things, they do what they have to. I will always be amazed by how you and Dadumms both handled the separation. You never talked poorly about one another, and you never let us think we couldn't do it. Thanks for teaching me that I'm a Wood Woman, and that I can do anything.
...by the way, nice socks. it's so good to be loved!
I'm constantly amazed by the strength I see out there in the blogging world. There are so many people who are overcoming things that I can't even imagine facing...it's pretty inspirational.
Love the new sock blocker! And free? So much the better, right?
Your daughter's comment speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. What a wonderful mom you must be.
Oh--your daughter reads your blog--that's WONDERFUL. (And I could say something about positive people seeing positive people in the universe but...well, yes, I will. I will definitely say that:-)
How nice that your daughter i so strong - a sign that you are too - I'm constantly envious that people whose blogs I read manage to knit and blog and sometimes work and have children and MANAGE TO HAVE INTERESTING LIVES TOO!
I'm envious - but inspired!
i'm really touched by this last paragraph. feel similarly about the amazing strength i see in the women i read but could not have said it nearly as well as you did.
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