Sunday, August 26, 2007

Here is the finished monkey sock and the newly started second sock. I love the way the colors spiral down the leg. But I think the second one is not going to look quite the same. The stripes look wider. I started in what I thought was the same spot in the pattern repeat but maybe there really isn't a true repeat. There are the same number of stitches and the same size needles. They are for Emily and she doesn't care if they are matching. She is an "original" herself and doesn't care if her socks are originals as well.

I will be working more on sock 2 today as I make my debut as a pinup model. Yes, you heard me right, a pinup model. You know, Betty Grable, Vargas? In June, our local paper had an article about a photographer who takes 1940's style pinup photos. My husband said "Oh hon, if you get one of these done, I'll never ask for another present again" (I'll remind him of that when he wants to update the video card in his computer!). I called and made an appointment. I have met with the photographer and chosen clothes and told her the kind of "look" I want and today I go and have the pictures taken. I am not thrilled with having my picture taken so this is truly an act of love. I am not the skinny, young thing I once was and usually don't like pictures of myself. So, today I show up clean and unmade up and they do the hair and makeup and provide the wardrobe. She said wear black lace underwear, she has the garters and hose. If you are interested in looking at some of her work here is her address: Celeste Giuliani. She has done some really nice stuff.

I hope your Sunday is as interesting! Peter Kevin just brought me one of his famous omelettes. Breakfast in bed, and it isn't even my birthday!


Anonymous said...

love the sock (s).

re: the photo - you're brave! and loving. he really has someone special on his hands.

Sheepish Annie said...

I think the pinup photo sounds like fun! How often do we get to have ourselves all "done up?" Enjoy!

The Monkeys are looking pretty good, too. The whole "matching" thing is overrated.

Bells said...

socks are looking great! I adore them. No matter how hard I try to get socks to start at the right bit of colour, it never works for me.

I hope the photo experience turns out to be great fun. It sounds wonderful, even if it is outside your comfort zone a little.

TinkingBell said...

W3ell done re the photo - they should not be the preserve of the skinny and inexperienced!!!Love the sock - and especially love that you're not O and C enough to paniic that they're not EXACTLY alike!

Olivia said...

The socks will be great. Matching is overrated!

And the pin-up experience sounds intriguing. Hope you have fun with it.

Amy Lane said...

The sock looks great--and I love the fraternal socks... and good luck as a pinup girl--I think you and your husband will enjoy the pictures very much!

colleen said...

Maybe us Scorpios just missed the hand out of the "substitute yarn" talents! LOL Awesome socks by the way, I hate wearing socks though so i haven't gotten past that to finish my first pair yet. Even for someone else! I admire people who do socks though!

MadMad said...

I have never managed to get socks to look the same - I don't know why the stripes aren't the same from one to the other - but I do love the way the colors spiral on No. 1, and maybe two will be equally cool. Good luck with the photos!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...