Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monday holidays are great. Until Tuesday rolls around and work starts again and you keep forgetting that it is Tuesday and not Monday. Which I did. All day. It was weird. But now Tuesday is over and somehow the fact that tomorrow is Wednesday is not so weird at all.

Wednesday is the day we are taking our Social Rehabilitation program to Atlantic City. Yes, folks, America's playground here we come. Well, that 's what the sign said and it was always ok until Las Vegas got all sexy with it's "what happens in Vegas..." campaign. Now Atlantic City thinks it needs its own sexy slogan. It is not a sexy place. It is trying to throw off the Miss America image that it had for years and years. It's kinda sad really. Miss America belongs in AC. But, anyway, the Soc Rehab folks wanted to go walk the boardwalk and so we are going tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be glorious and I am looking forward to spending the day walking in the sun and admiring the ocean. I got both of my tattoos in AC and if I had any money, I might be tempted to get number 3. Didn't know I was an inked woman? Yes, it's true. I have a flower bracelet on one ankle and a coordinating flower on my wrist. I love them. I chose my ankle and wrist because they are the least likely to sag as I get older. No one wants to see a saggy butt with a butterfly! This is my wrist flower . It has some bumps because when I had an mri done in April, the iron oxide in the ink was drawn to the surface of my skin. Now I just tell people it is Braille.

This is my ankle. The pale skin with the mosquito bites all over it.

I am taking the camera tomorrow and hopefully will get some wildlife shots in Atlantic City. The local fauna can be quite exotic.


TinkingBell said...

How brave - I'll stick to my double pierced ears and the occasionally hennaed hands!! Pretty flowers!

Kate said...

By "fauna" you mean tourists and food cart-vendors, right?

Amy Lane said...

The namesake of my favorite Bruce Springsteen song!!! I actually need to get Arwyn added to my arm tatoo--nice to meet a fellow 'inked woman'!

Denise said...

Love your tattoos, very tasteful. I just have pierced ears, too chicken to do anything else!

Hope your Atlantic City day goes - well? smoothly? without incident? All of the above? :)

Taphophile said...

Love the idea of braille tattoos. Very inclusive of you. ;)

amy said...

I have two tattoos, too! Much smaller, though, and no colors, just black. I always wanted one of those Celtic knot-type ones around an ankle, but I never had enough cash at once that I could reasonably justify spending on a tattoo. Plus...that would have taken a LONG time, and while I gritted my teeth for the 7 minutes (ankle) and 15 minutes (hipbone), I'm not sure I'd last much longer.

Midnight Purls said...

Hope you enjoy your day in AC!

Three day weekends always mess me up too. All day yesterday I thought it was Monday. But I'm happy it's actually Wednesday, after all, it's one day closer to the weekend! :)

MadMad said...

I'm mixed up on the days, too, and keep jolting up in a panic thinking I missed something. I probably have... Cool body art!

Sheepish Annie said...

Nice ink! I'm still planning on getting the second one done, but I've been putting it off until I can find a better artist around me. Lots of tatoo parlors, not so much of the talent...

Would love to see the AC pix. I've never been there!

roxie said...

Was the MRI painful when the iron oxide migrated?


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...