Sunday, September 2, 2007

We will call this "Toreador Monkeys on cooler". The Toreador monkeys are finally done and are at this moment in South Carolina cradling Emily's toes as she vacations in Myrtle Beach. I was lucky to get a photo before she packed them up. In keeping with my resolution, here are my mock cable socks made from some Tofutsie yarn that I bought a while ago. I like the colors and I like the way the pattern looks like a cable when it is really just a series of yo's and slipped stitches. The repeat is only 5 rows long and it is so easy to memorize. I have frogged these far less than other new patterns I have attempted. Wait, forget I said that. I am getting cocky and the knitting goddess will stomp on me hard! Here is a close up of the stitches and the ball band.

I included the ball band because this yarn has a strange composition. It feels very string-like when you touch it. I think I bought it because of the colors it came in (I have a pretty grey and pink ball as well) and for the uniqueness of it. For anyone who doesn't know, chitin is made from crushed crab and shrimp shells. How strange is that? Who thought that would make a good yarn addition? The label says "naturally antibacterial" but I am not sure how well that will hold up in the wash. The knited fabric is soft and springy to the touch. Fortunately, the pattern is very stretchy because I was afraid that anything made with this yarn would fall down. The pattern is from scarlettknits and I think it works really well with this stuff.

It is Sunday morning and we have just finished brunch. Sunday brunch has always been a big deal around here. All meals are a big deal (can you tell we like to eat?) but there is something peaceful about Sunday mornings. I am feeling relaxed and on my way to rested. I have gotten the shopping done, the house is clean and everyone is fed. Now I have to go feed my brother's cat and the rest of the day is mine. And tomorrow. Gotta love these long summer weekends. I may even be ready to go back to work on Tuesday.


Bezzie said...

I must say I've never been a fan of that tofutsie stuff because of the colors. But I really like that blue and white and the pattern you picked to go with it!

Sheepish Annie said...

Mmmm...socks and brunch! Two of my favorite things!

TinkingBell said...

Haven't tried Tofutsies - but dying to! Love the colours - and brunch too? Yum

Mistrmi said...

Not so worried about the knitting goddesses, but the "I may even be ready to go back to work" comment? THAT may come back to haunt you . . .

Bells said...

Two of my favourite patterns. You're right, the mini cables look great in that yarn. I think it's hard to go wrong with that pattern.

Olivia said...

The monkeys are fab! Lucky Emily. Did Bells put you onto that mock cable pattern or did you come across it independently? I know she has been spreading the mock cable love. I think I will have to try it at some point.

roxie said...

You just flew with those Toreador socks! They are inspirational!

Susan Pandorf said...

WOW! 26 posts since the last time I caught up with you! I think it's a record.

You are one prolific lady.

Good to be back and reading up on all your doings...


colleen said...

Bamboo is also naturally antibacterial... has no stretch either but feels awesome!

I love fall too- I broke out the pumpkin spice tart for the tart burner and we have an apple pie candle going... oh heaven!

Michele said...

both so pretty - the monkeys and the mock cables.

Anonymous said...

Both are lovely. The little cables remind me of my Donyale pattern. :)

Amy Lane said...

(Never, ever ever ready to go back to work on Tuesday!) I haven't worked w/Tofutsie yet--it's on my to-do list!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...