I was a little weirded out to open my blog page and find a frog and what looks like a commerial ad where my meez used to stand knitting her little heart out. I do not have ads on my blog just because I don't want them (have nothing against them just don't want them). So, I tried to correct the problem by re-loading my meez from the photo on my computer. But now she is standing still and Kate is at work and can't help me figure out how to make her move. So, I went to the meez website and they are down. Down for some updates. Sure, now they have us all hooked on the cuties they will start messing with them. I thought it was just me but I have seen that several blogs that I read who also have meez also now have frogs. A little disconcerting,that.
I am almost finished the Torreado Monkey socks. They don't look all that different so I will spare boring you with a photo. My new sock policy is that for every pair of socks I make for someone else, the next pair is for me. I think it is the only way I will ever get a drawer full of soft handknit socks. I am infatuated with sock knitting and I guess only time will tell if this infatuation grows into "true love" that lasts.
I am home from work early and boy does it feel good. This has been a miserable week and I am not usually a miserable person. I am pretty easy going and take most things in stride but this week I was so angry at the attitude of a coworker that I was ready to cry. Tears of anger but tears nonetheless. Now, I am not ashamed or afraid to cry. In fact, the joke in my family is to all look at mom if there is something sad/touching on the television because they know I will have tears in my eyes. But there is something about being brought to tears by someone who is supposed to be on your team and who you are supposed to be working with that is not ok. I made the mistake of leaving a message for my supervisor while I was emotional and now the ball is rolling. This coworker has caused many problems but they make allowances for her and everyone else has to put up with her. The message got forwarded to her supervisor so we'll see if anything changes. Let's not hold our breath, ok? This is community mental health. Our doctors don't get paid what doctors in private practice do. Most of them do this because they need to "give something back" and they like it. Some of them are burnt out and need to move on. Like say, this one who is causing all the upset. It all doesn't matter today because I have a 4 day weekend to refresh myself and re-gird my loins so I can go out and fight the good fight again.

It's a perfect spot to refresh a tired soul. Something about the smell of the pines and cedars always feels so good.
It soothed me just to look at those lovely photos - I hope you regain some peace and perspective over the long weekend (and I hope you'll show us the finished Monkey socks!)
Yeah...mental health/social services is rife with people who are simply amazing human beings and who are a credit to the field. And it only takes one to give them all a bad name. Unfair. And, since these positions are so hard to fill, often "undealt with."
Gotta love a long weekend! Use it well and I hope it all gets better for you soon.
Blessings on that weekend. Hooray for those socks! And as for the pin-up stuff - gee, I wish there were someone around here who did that sort of thing. But for me, she'd probably get out the lace muumuu and spread a little vaseline on the lens for that misty, out-of-focus look .. .
Love your sock rule and will try to apply it to myself!
I know exactly how you feel re work - I almost cried yesterday at work too, over the most stupid, shortsighted, annoying decision - by the CEO of my organisation. So frustrating! I hope it is resolved relatively painlessly for you all.
I hope you get the restoration you need this weekend.
I'm with teabird--I feel relaxed just looking at those pics!
I almost left one job because of a co-worker - luckily they decided they needed me more than her - but that feeling that you hate to go to work is sapping - great photos - obviously a special, healing spot. Hey I;ve got an idea - why don't you knit something to cheer yourself up!! Even better - get some great sock yarn........
Hope your co-worker problem is resolved peacefully or at least, resolved. We do spend such a LOT of our lives at work that could otherwise be spend building up that sock drawer. Meanwhile, enjoy your very long weekend.
I, too, have had an entirely miserable week. Let's set a time, a simply cry together --- what do you say?
sorry to read about the work troubles. hope you have a wonderful time away.
Oohhh...that sounds wonderful... getting out of town sounds awesome. I think we are going to have to wait until late september, though... I will be happily envious of you...
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