Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well, I took the careers quiz and they picked Social Worker as my number one profession.
I guess that's a good thing because I am a social worker. They also said I could be an addictions counselor, clergy or a therapist. All talking professions. Hmmm, wonder what that says? I was kinda hoping they would say "astronaut", my childhood dream. Although I don't think NASA would be interested in a nearly 50 year old social worker....


Anonymous said...

they just sent a 50 year old teacher into space, so why not you?

Anonymous said...

y'never know, momma, they might just take you. 'never give up on your dreams', isn't that what you taught us?

Sheepish Annie said...

The last one I took was back in grad. school and said I should be a pewtersmith. I stopped taking career tests after that...

Georgie said...

I suspect, given the sort of things astronauts have been getting up to lately (woman charged with plotting murder of lover's lover and drove across country etc etc...), they might just have an opening for someone of your skills!

Denise said...

Nice when it's so spot on - mine results were pretty spot on too (web designer, graphic designer, author, desktop publisher, and artist all appearing in the top 15). I wasn't quite so sure about the 'gunsmith' or 'dental technician' suggestions though!

My hubby is an astrophysicist, which is the closest he'll ever get to his childhood dream of being an astronaut, too.

Mistrmi said...

I'm off to take this test --- I have a feeling we're going to wind up with the same results again!

I am a total NASA junkie. Would adore being an astronaut, except for my claustrophobia and skittishness about heights. . .

roxie said...

Wasn't it John Glenn who went back as a geriatric jock? Space Cowboys indeed!

So WHY do you want to be an astronaut?

Donna Lee said...

The idea of being in space always appealed to me as a child. I wanted to go to the moon and look back, it was so beautiful. I was fascinated by the space program. Now, I hate cramped spaces and get terrible motion sickness so I guess everything worked out for the best.

Em said...

I may have to take that test, too. I wonder if "ballerina bus driver" will come up?

MadMad said...

That is so funny that they picked social worker, isn't it? Does it make you feel like you "got it right" in life? I think I might be too afraid to take the test and find out what I am supposed to be doing...


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...