Sunday, September 16, 2007

Well, it's Sunday evening and I cannot for the life of me figure out where the weekend went. I know everyone feels this way but damn.

Here is a picture of my finished Tofutsie mock cable socks. They are a pretty good match. The yarn is very thin but knits up into a soft and comfortable sock. I wore them Friday and spent the day pulling up my pant leg to show them off. If I were a faster knitter, I could make a killing selling hand knit socks where I work! Here is the beginning of the Kaibashira socks using the Starry Night colorway from Art Walk .

I really struggled with this pattern. This is try number 5 and I only got the required number of stitches I needed by modifying it a little. Maybe I finally did it right! I don't know but it worked. I love this color. I chose the pattern because it is a really subtle design and I wanted to let the colors of the yarn show through. I think this photo is pretty true to the colors. This pair of socks is going to my oldest daughter because I promised and I can't make myself go back on a promise no matter how minor it seems. However, on a happy note, Roxanne from Art Walk has a cake of yarn left and will sell it to me so I can have one for myself. I am a happy woman.
Kate and I went to check out our new Michael's. They moved into newer quarters and in our opinion, they made a mistake. The new store is nice but the aisles are too small for people to browse and let others go past. And they do not sell sock needles! Thankfully we have another craft store nearby where we found everything we need to start the Strikke along in October. Now we just have to wait for the yarn to come from Knit picks. I know I can order needles from them (and they are good ones) but I like to occasionally go into a store and see and touch things before I buy them. Internet shopping is wonderful, but there is alot to be said for being able to actually see your merchandise.
Our weather has taken a decided turn toward Fall. Then nights are very cool and the days are bright and clear. None of the haze that summer often brings. I love this time of year with the holidays around the corner (or on the doorstep if you listen to Hallmark!)
I hope everyone had a good weekend and that your days are peaceful.


Sheepish Annie said...

Love the socks and think that the new ones will be a big hit with your daughter! The colors are amazing. Isn't it neat how much people appreciate handknit socks?

The weather here turned to Fall almost overnight. And guess who forgot to close the windows again last night? When it was forty degrees... Brrrrrrr!

Amy Lane said...

That's a great sock pattern! Okay, you should know that after sitting here and looking at your beautiful sock, I said the following to Mate... "Uhm, Mate...there's this thing called Art Walk Sock Yarn Club...and, you know, my big 40th is in two case, you know, that sounds interesting to you."

Anyway--I know about lost weekeds... I'm still looking for mine under the dust in the hallway...

Rose Red said...

I think you've chosen a great pattern for the Starry Night sock yarn - love the colours!

Bezzie said...

I'm loving this weather!

Those blue and white tofutsies are gorgeous!

Georgie said...

Oooh, that Starry Night is knitting up beautifully! Great pattern. And so very happy to hear you can have your own too - good karma for keeping your promise, I'm sure!

Em said...

I'm glad you're getting the pattern to work, you get grumpy when they don't! :-P

Seriously, though, the socks are shaping up to be lovely. I can't wait to see the finished project. I'm joining the cult, so I guess it's time for me to start amassing sock yarn, too...

MadMad said...

"If (you) were a faster knitter..."? What - You'd spark a fire with those knitting needles, woman! I've never seen socks churned out so quickly!

Susan Pandorf said...

I like your socks so much better than mine. The starry inght version had too much going on . Yours are jsut right.

Sometimes, less is more...


Anonymous said...

your starry night yarn and the sock pattern look very "happy together" - beautiful. worth the 5 starts.

and in my humble opinion being a mother who keeps her promises is a very good thing.

TinkingBell said...

I really think the pattern looks great with the Starry nioght yarn - beautiful combination - yep we knitter need 3/4 pants - just so we don't have to keep pulling up the legs of our trousers to show our goreous sock - of and wearing mary janes is good too


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...