Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Twenty six years ago today, two young kids set out on an adventure, to find their fame and fortune. Several moves, three kids and one old house later, they have realized that their fortune lies in each other and the love they share. They are not rich in material things nor are they famous (thank goodness!) but in the things that count, they are wealthy beyond compare. Happy Anniversary, my love.

And how did we spend our day, you may ask? Taking these

and adding one of these

and ending up with one of these: Voila! Here is my home made swift.

Those of you who have children may recognize K-nex. They were an absolute favorite of my children when they were little. Peter Kevin found a photo online of someone who built a swift and today he built one for me. This is just until he can make a wooden one. This is the yarn that is being spun around on my swift. It is the October Art Walk sock yarn. The painting is Three Dancers by Picasso and the yarn is wool and seacell. The photo managed to capture the beauty of the colors and the sublte sheen of the yarn. I am not sure what it will be yet as it has not told me.

To celebrate our anniversary, we are getting tickets to see the Renoir landscapes at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and have dinner somewhere nice. We love the museum and Renoir is a favorite. I am lucky to be married to my best friend.


TinkingBell said...

Lucky you - I, too am married to my best friend (or possibly the only male on the planet who will put up with me) and I'm sure HE would never make me a swift out of Knex - You are so lucky - happy annivserary - have a wonderful day!

Rose Red said...

Oh your husband is so clever - a K-nex swift!! I love K-nex!! And that yarn is just gorgeous!

Happy Anniversary, hope you have a lovely day and many more to come.

Georgie said...

Warmest congratulations to you both! Have a really lovely time at Renoir and dinner.

Lucky you, such a clever husby!

Sheepish Annie said...

It is entirely possible that I am a little "fragile" these days...but I got a bit teary eyed on this one. Happiest of anniversaries to both of you. Love the swift!!!

Bezzie said...

Happy Anniversary! Mine would make a swift for me too, but he'd never let me play with it!

Olivia said...

Oh, you two are so cute in that photo! Happy anniversary.

The K-nex swift is really cool. I'm sure I've seen a motorized lego ballwinder, probably on craftster - next project for Peter Kevin?

Em said...

How kind of Dadumms to make a new toy for the cats, I mean, a swift for you. It's pretty cool, I'm much impressed.

Happy anniversary to you two. It always makes me smile to see you two laughing together, and you do it so often.

Anonymous said...

That is a good man.


Alwen said...

I love that swift, but oh the colors in that yarn! Happy anniversary.

Bells said...

That's so clever! What a genius he is!

And your wedding photos is so lovely. it's heartwarming to hear people speak so lovingly of their partners after many years. It's beautiful.

amy said...

Happy Anniversary! I, too, am lucky to be married to my best friend. It makes every day better.

Dianne said...

What a wonderful post. Congratulations to you both, and I wish you many more years of happiness together!

roxie said...

Happy, happy anniversary! What a lovely husband you have. And what a lucky man he is to have you! Love your swift.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary - and here's to many more! x

Michele said...

wishing you a very happy anniversary

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

Happy Anniversary!
What a cool swift. Lucky you. I'm looking forward to Borders on Friday! We're a group coming out from Toms River, Brick, and Point Pleasant.

Denise said...

Happy Anniversary, may there be many more to come!

I love the K'nex swift - that's the sort of thing my husband / best friend would do too :)

Enjoy the Renoir!

loraine said...

Aww, what a sweetie. Hope your evening was as magical as your swift..... and your husband.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! The swift is ingenious!!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you both. When people tell me how lucky I am to be married to my wonderful husband I always tell them it isn't luck, it's skill, so well done you!

Susan Pandorf said...

That swift is too funny!

Now where did I put the kid's K-nex?
They've got to be in the attic somewhere...

Happy (belated)Anniversary!

Amy Lane said...

That is so freakin' awesome! (The swift AND the anniversary...) I"m so impressed! (Again, with the swift AND the anniversary:-) Congratulations on the anniversary, and on having snagged such a clever, supportive guy with a fascination with Knex:-)

Susan said...

OK, that is just the coolest yarn swift ever in the entire history of humanity and huwomanity too. You clever, clever people.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...