We went to my brother's house to have dinner with his family and my aunts and cousin. In years past, we took my girls to my aunt's house to go trick or treating and then had dinner and then the kids would sit around and have a "candy swap". They traded back and forth to get their favorites and get rid of the ones they don't like. This year because my girls are grown, they either had to work or had plans with their friends. Peter Kevin and I went alone and still had a good time. I gave him a bag of assorted candy to trade back and forth with the kids. He had as much fun as the kids. Although, our candy bag was considerably lighter when we came home. I think he made trades that were heavily weighted in favor of the kids!
I am off from work today. My supervisor lets everyone have their birthday off and since my day is a Sunday, I took today. It is less disruptive for me to take a Friday off than a Monday. I will probably do some house cleaning and laundry so we can all have a weekend off. Peter Kevin is downstairs trying to start the heater for the first time this year. It is always suspenseful as we wait to see if this is the year it finally dies. Fortunately, he is pretty handy and has kept it running. And we are lucky the weather has been warmer than usual so we haven't really needed it yet.
Last night we went to a concert by a group called Serenata Guayanesa. They sing Venezuelan folk music. The music was fantastic. It was bright and lively. The whole evening, from the introduction to the encores was in Spanish. How much Spanish do we understand? NONE. Maybe an occasional word (taco, burrito, salsa-you know the important food words) but on the whole we are not speakers of Spanish. This would not have been a problem because I really liked the music but it was folk music. We were at a concert where all the intros to the songs were in Spanish and we didn't know what everyone was laughing at and when they all sang along, we were silent because we didn't know what the song was about, let alone the words! It was strange. We bought a cd because we really liked it but it was odd to be somewhere where we were definitely the minority.

And I will leave you with photos of my fierce watch cats. Don't be afraid. Calvin, on the left, is a needy boy and will let you in the house to leave with the silver if you pet him. Hobbes, on the right, is more stand-offish but will run and leave the doors unguarded. They like to sit on the front steps and look like they are guarding us but in reality, they sit close to the house so they can run inside when they feel scared.
The cat photos are a distraction from the fact that everything I knit this week has had to be ripped out. I must be in a fog because whatever I was knitting, wasn't what I was supposed to be knitting. Who knows? I just know that it is probably time to take a break and try again to get it right. Maybe later today. Have a good weekend.
The Venuzuelan folk music is something I would love, too, just for the sheer beauty of the music. Who cares about lyrics, anyway? Do you need to know Italian to love opera? I like Brazilian music a lot, too.
Social rehab...tricky! It's always so hard to please everyone. But, I think it was a great idea and I'll bet even the grumpy ones found something to like. Although I have to agree with the travel cup winner. I've had many that just spill all over me and am giddy when I get one that "works!"
Happy early Birthday!!!
This might seem like a really stupid question...but what is Social Rehab? Is it a social group for people rehabilitating from something else? Or a group for people who need to learn social skills, for some reason?
I, too, am grateful that we've been able to prolong turning on the heat. We made it almost to November, and probably would have gotten all the way there if not for a sick little boy--I felt he needed the heat. I am trying not to think about whether I am saving on oil at the expense of global warming.
oh happy birthday, happy birthday!! i hope you have a wonderful day.
and i say good for you for going with your bingo party. social rehab is hard work. can feel so uphill. so i'm glad you stayed focused on creating some fun for those willing to enjoy it.
Calvin and Hobbes??? LOVE it!!
(We need to exchange e-mail addresses at some point. . .)
Happy Birthday! Your kittys are so handsome! Love their names, too.
It must be something in the air in NJ this week, because I had to rip out a whole sock...the whole thing. It was painful.
Happy, happy birthday
!! And congratulations on the bingo game. There are always going to be sourpusses in the world. I'm glad you didn't let them spoil your good time.
the candy swap must have been a hoot!
How cool is it that you get your birthday off? Happy early b-day!
Calvin looks like a gargoyle in that picture. And Hobbes has that "What do YOU want?" faces on. Oh boy, our cats are some special animals.
I'm glad your clients liked the bingo game!
Way to organize something fun in spite of the people whose cornflakes had obviously been crapped in. Halloween is always one of my favorite holidays, but it feels like it snuck up on us this year, doesn't it? It was a lot of fun to watch the candy swap, I need to remember my bag of candy for next year.
I haven't had much luck with knitting this week, either. I agree with Dianne, there's something in the air.
Love the fierce watch cats (Calvin and Hobbes - *snort*) Happy ahppy birthday! I like that music too, but I don't understand it - any more than Teabird and opera - or german and Lieder, or any Latin languages and salsa music - the music is universal, the language incidental!
Knitting? You mean we're supposed to blog about KNITTING? Calvin and Hobbes look perfectly content to 'watch' whatever goes on in your house. You are very lucky that Peter Kevin will deal with something a little left of center and unfamiliar. I'd need duct tape and a cattle prod to drag mate to something like that! And definitely Happy Birthday!!!! May your positive energy continue to spill into the universe for many more circles of the sun.
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