Sunday, November 4, 2007

If you take one of these
and add some of these

and mix in family and friends and you have a
birthday party. Today this is what 50 looks like:

When Peter Kevin asked what I wanted to do for my birthday, I said I wanted to go out for brunch. I chose Smithville Inn because I really like it and the Sunday brunch is out of this world. What I didn't know was that he invited my brother and his family, both Em and Kate's boyfriends and my two favorite aunts. As we drove through the beautiful fall leaves, they were all waiting for me to get there. I was surprised and of course cried when I saw everyone waiting for me. It was a really nice day. We feasted on breakfast foods and hot entrees and then we walked around and admired the shops. We saw Swan boats, along with sea gulls and the young folk rode the carousel. It was lovely. I got some beautiful rust colored alpaca sock yarn from Emily and a book and gift card from Elanor and Kate tells me that my gift is on its way from California and it will take longer because of all the fires they had there recently.
I have been fretting about turning 50 because it sounds so old and I don't feel old. It's all a matter of what's going on in your head. In my head, I am not much older than when we got married, although I feel like I know more and feel more strongly about some things and less strongly about others. I am convinced that there is not enough niceness in the world and we should all try to promote it as often as we can. I no longer care what celebrities choose to do with their time. I strongly believe that there are miracles in every square inch of life and the world around us and all we have to do is to be aware and look for them. I no longer believe that one person can't make a difference in the world. I have seen in my lifetime the difference one person with strong convictions can make. I also believe that I am one of the luckiest people around. Not too bad for a 50 year old gal.
Now, everyone, get out there and start looking for some miracles!


Em said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear momolla! Happy birthday to you!!!

I'm glad we pulled the surprise off in spite of Kate (when you have a secret, the less you say, the better, sweetie), and that you had a good time. I hope the wool will make soft, warm, beautiful socks for you, and since I know you'll knit with it, I'm sure it will. I love you and I'm so proud of the woman that you are. You taught me about kindness, and laughter and miracles.

Georgie said...

Many Happy Returns Donna Lee! What a fabulous surprise birthday.

I am convinced that age is just a number, and whats more important is how you feel, and how you take on life's lessons.

Sheepish Annie said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate! I'm glad you had such a nice day and feel good about the whole thing.

Em's comment got me all misty eyed and stuff. I don't think compliments come more nicely worded.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! x

Denise said...

Happy Birthday!! It sounds like you had a wonderful day :D

Congratulations on reaching 50 - every year is a gift :)

amy said...

Happy Birthday! Happy, happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Donna Lee, looks like a perfect celebration. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Bells said...

Oh happy birthday! 50 is the new 30 you know. Or does everyone tell you that? I think you're a marvellous example of a happy and strong 50 year old woman. You rock (as RoseRed would no doubt say). Happy birthday!

Bezzie said...

Happy birthday! I like your definition of how old you feel. It's a lot like that isn't it??

Susan Pandorf said...

Well said. Go get'em Girl!

Birthday blessings for 50 years young...


Amy Lane said...

Wow--that's so awesome... now to my mind, 50 is like 30, but with more POWER!!!

Happy Birthday, sweetie--and your blog alone sends out so much niceness that you should get total credit for upping the world's quotient.

Happy Birthday!!!

MadMad said...

What a wonderful surprise - it sounds like the perfect day! (And that cake... wowie!) Happy, happy birthday!

TinkingBell said...

Happy birthday - 50 - hmmm - you'll be looking at middle age in a decade or so! Yup - 50 is my next big one - we're young, sweetie - young!

Olivia said...

Sorry I'm late, Donna Lee - Happy Birthday! (best to stretch these things out as long as possible anyway, isn't it?)

roxie said...

Love your blog and your life view! And fifty is great! Trivial things become much less annoying.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...