Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Breaking health news.

Em's doctor said the growth in her chest is 'probably not cancer' but they'll biopsy it and do a heart/lung functionality test. If she passes, they'll do surgery and cut it out.

Whew. It's not great to face surgery but it's better than the alternative.

And thanks for the kind words. As I wrote this morning at my desk, it was all I could do not to sob. And the words of support made a difference during the day.

Thank you.


amy said...

Thank you for keeping us posted. Good luck to Em--I hope the biopsy shows nothing scary at all.

Sheepish Annie said...

Oh, I am so glad to hear that! I know that the thought of surgery is stressful, but I agree that this sounds so much less daunting. I'll continue to think good thoughts for both of you!

Bells said...

I was just about to write about yesterday's news and tell you that we've been so worried here since Em's post.

I've been right where you are with my sister and a lump and it's hell. Hoping for the best for that biopsy. It's a nervous waiting time though.

Galad said...

Keeping fingers and toes crossed that all goes well. Thank you so much for the update!

Dianne said...

I'm glad the doctor thinks it's not the "c" word. We are so fortunate to live close to so many excellent hospitals. Continuing to send healing vibes and support your way...

Anonymous said...

my thoughts are wuih you and your daughter. hope all goes well.

Julie said...

Oh my. I hope it remains 'not cancer' and her fix-it goes smoothly and without problems.

And a cup of hot chocolate for Momma. Oh man, I can't begin to imagine. Bravo to you for working through it... I think I'd be in a corner, heavily medicated and drooling.

Hugs all around.

Bezzie said...

I missed yesterday's post! I'm glad it looks like nothing at all! And you're still an inspiration--it's hard being the mom and still letting them be grown up!

Rose Red said...

Oh Donna Lee I'm so glad to hear this - since I saw Em's post I have been thinking a lot about her and sending lots of love strong thoughts both hers and your way.

Thanks for sharing about your job yesterday too (just read it now) - I think the people of Philadelphia are so lucky to have you helping them.

teabird said...

I won't stop thinking good, hard thoughts until it's settled - but I have good feelings about this.
Strength, friend!

Olivia said...

Hi Donna Lee. Just wanted to add to the 'thinking good thoughts' vibes headed to you and Em and the whole family. I hope you have definite, GOOD news soon.

Em said...

Believe me when I tell you I know how you feel! I spent most of Monday crying and thinking, "this thing is on my lung. Lungs are important. What the hell am I going to do?" But I was raised by a strong woman, who in turn taught me to be strong. And even though I'm scared, I'm hanging on. Mostly I can do that because I know that you're here for me, and so is Dadumms and everyone else. I don't mind that you shared, and I appreciate the warm thoughts and the comfort.

Louiz said...

Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping it's all fine

colleen said...

That's great. Doctors won't risk saying things like that unless they're really sure.

Good luck to her, and comfort to you and PK as you all go through this.

Amy Lane said...

(((more hugs))) but these are happy hugs... relieved hugs... hopefully it will all be well...


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...