Friday, February 20, 2009

Well, it's been roller coaster this week. Em saw a pulmonologist who was amazed she was not having trouble breathing. Apparently, the alien baby is inside her rib cage pressing against her lung and is half the size of the lung. She credits this to years of woodwind playing.....

To make things scary again, the doctor said without biopsy results, he couldn't (or wouldn't) say it was benign. He was surprised the other doctor would make a pronouncement to that effect without anything to back it up. So, Em is scheduled for tests on Tuesday that will confirm the benign-ness of the growth and an mri to confirm location and size. Then we wait for the results. Whatever it is, it has to come out. But it's too soon to think about that. In the meantime, we are optimistic and holding onto hope with both hands.

Monday is Pk's birthday. He got his present (an iphone that he is thrilled with because it makes light sabre noises) and we will celebrate with one of his favorite meals and maybe a drive through the woods. Em and Jim are coming along and probably El so it will be a good day. I need some new photos of the woods, both people and place.

He's also getting these. Well two of this. This is the first Inna Ga Da Vida sock. Number 2 is almost finished. It's amazing how quickly they knit up. No pattern, just a toe up sock that I did a 2x2 rib and every 5th row I purled. He really likes them and I think I'm on track to finish them on time. These are beautiful socks. And they are so heavy and warm. I put my Feb socks on hold to finish these and then I have to go back to my roulette sock so my Feb socks will probably go well into March. No matter. No pressure. There is enough stress in my life and I don't need to add to it with artificial deadlines.

Pk and I are supposed to go to lunch today but that will depend on his work schedule. He has a workaholic boss and Fridays are especially frustrating because she seems to kick into high gear just when everyone else is winding down for the weekend. I won a gift certificate to a local restaurant on the river and we figured it would be a nice way to spend the afternoon. Then we're off on Monday so it'll be a nice long weekend.

Any weekend plans? I hope they're good ones.


Rose Red said...

I hope both yours and PK's day today are good and that you have a lovely long weekend, with lots of fun, laughs and family time. Happy birthday to PK for Monday - what great socks - how can he not be happy with those! And his iPhone (hmmm, do I sense a knitted iPhone cosy on the way?)

Dianne said...

Thanks for the Em update. You all have been in my thoughts. Happy birthday to Hubby on Monday, and healing vibes to Em.

Em said...

I will be spending the weekend working, then coming down to celebrate, hopefully with some completed knit goods, on Monday. It'll be awesome! Jim wants to know if we should bring the truck? I hope you guys get to go out to lunch today, I know how much you were looking forward to it.

roxie said...

Blessings on you all! Lovely socks - PK is a lucky man.

All best wishes to Em. You hang in there, mom!

Galad said...

Blogger is being difficult - it just negated my post.

Oh well - hugs and laughter this weekend as you celebrate PK's birthday. The IPhone sounds very cool.

Nicole and I are sending positive thoughts and prayers to all of your family!

amy said...

Enjoy the weekend--I hope it is a happy and peaceful one.

Alwen said...

Those are lovely colors on those socks. They remind me of mossy bark and springy greens.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you got some time relax yesterday and today. Sorry to hear about Em - sending positive thoughts!

TinkingBell said...

Oh have a lovely day for PK birthday - happy birthday

Lots of positive thoughts and love and hugs to you all!

Have a wonderful and stress free weekend

Denise said...

Sending you my best wishes and hopes for a benign result for Em.

It's dreadful when your kids are sick, or have scary things wrong. I don't think it matters how old they are - it's awful no matter the age.

Big hugs from afar for all of you.

Amy Lane said...

Wow-- lots of hugs, hope, and good wishes for Em!

The socks are lovely--I'm sure PK will wear them with incredible pride!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...