Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today is Peter Kevin's 52nd birthday and boy it couldn't get here soon enough.  Since I am three months older, every year he reminds me that I am older. Frequently.  Every Day.  So, for three months he is married to an older woman and he loves it. 

I talk about Pk so often that you probably feel like you know him.  I wanted to take some time to tell you some things about him you might not know.     He's 5' 11" tall which makes him almost 7 inches taller than I am.  This makes him very happy.  He is an excellent problem solver and can come up with solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.  He likes mushrooms.  He is smart.  Real smart.  He can converse intelligently on a host of topics.  He is studying for the zombie apocalypse by watching many training movies so we'll be ready.  Math is not his strong suit.  He likes to work with wood and is reading and studying plans to make a spinning wheel for me.  This makes me very happy.  He is supportive of my hobby and willingly goes to craft shows even when he knows there won't be any wood items there.  He likes kids. (is a big kid himself).  He is gentle and has a kind side that he will deny.  The tenderness on his face as we waited for Calvin to die was heartbreaking.   He is manly and takes very good care of me.  He insists on doing all the hard work around the house even when I could do it too.  (shoveling snow, mowing the lawn) 

Pk is a wonderful father.  He has managed to help the girls grow up with a sense of what it means to be a good person and to be proud of who you are and where you come from.  He's also got a wicked sense of humor and will laugh at the drop of a hat.  Pk has a huge sense of adventure and is always ready to hit the road whether it's to drive through the woods or look for an estate sale 2 hours away or go and find some new place to eat. (or fly upside down in old planes).    He likes Guiness Stout but is willing to try almost any beer.  Almost.  He likes hanging around the house in sweat pants but won't wear them outside. (except at the gym).  He has a heart as big as all outdoors and will give you the shirt off his back. 
After almost 30 years of marriage, he still thinks I'm beautiful.  He brings me flowers or goes to the really good chocolate store in Philadelphia and gets me nonpariels (one of my favorites).  He remembers my birthday and our anniversary.  He asks my opinion and listens to the answer. He makes breakfast and takes care of me when I'm sick (even if he did give me a bell with the clapper removed when I dislocated my ankle and couldn't get around). 

Pk likes to play chess and Risk (neither of which I can play.  Too strategic). He is good at Trivial Pursuit.  As a team we are unbeatable.   He won't wear pink shirts or use lotions or hair gels.  "Guys don't do that stuff".  He will wear handknit socks and show them off. 

There aren't words to say how important he is to me.  My heart, my life.  My love.

Happy Birthday Peter Kevin.  May you have many many more. 


Saren Johnson said...

Happy B-day PK! Your wife is lucky to have you.

Bezzie said...

Awww! Happy birthday!

amy said...

aww...happy birthday!!

Kate said...

He certainly will deny that soft, kind-hearted side! All the time! It's still there, though. Hiding underneath the gray hairs we've given him.

roxie said...

Felicitations on the anniversary of the natal event! May there be a multitude of healthy and happy repetitions of the celebration.

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday PK! What a great guy. He sounds like my dad's twin, or more appropriately his son. He's more like my dad than my own brother is--go figure!

Anonymous said...

And that is what 30 years of marriage ought to look like. What an example you've set for your girls, for people who know you.

What a guy. Happy birthday PK! May you get all the love and happiness you deserve.

Louiz said...

Happy Birthday, PK, you sound like you deserve a fantastic one.

Olivia said...

Sorry, I'm a bit late. Happy Birthday PK!! The love in your family always shines through your posts Donna Lee.

DPUTiger said...

That's awesome. Happy birthday, PK!

TinkingBell said...

Hippo birdy PK - and here's to many more!

DrK said...

happy belated birthday pk, hope you had a blast!

Amy Lane said...

*sniff* Good, strong, tender men... I'm such a sucker for them. Especially if they're getting ready for the zombie apocalypse. That's very important. I hope he had a good birthday--he's got a good wife!

Jeanne said...

Happy Belated Birthday, PK!

Rose Red said...

Happy belated birthday to PK, sorry I'm so late to the party!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...