Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's here.  Again.  Snow.  We are predicted to get another snow storm complete with high winds and heavy wet snow (I head someone use the words "snow hurricane" yesterday).  See that blue area?  That's poised right over our area and if it continues to pump moisture into the atmosphere, we'll continue to get precipitation.

Sigh.  I used to love snow.  I wanted it to snow and we always got just a dusting.  "Be careful what you wish for...." .  Another 12 inches of snow to shovel and try to get through.  It was snowing as I came into work.  Cold, wet snow that clings and falls down your collar (thank goodness for my handknit scarf which repels the wet!). 

I have a pot of almost-soup in the refrigerator for dinner.  I took the chicken carcass and leftover meat from Sunday's roast chicken and put it into a large pot and simmered it.  I carefully instructed Elanor on how to remove the bones and strain the broth and when I get home, I can heat it up and finish the soup with some vegetables or noodles.  Add some grilled cheese sandwiches and you have a perfect meal for a snowy day.

For now, I'll sit here at my desk and watch the snow come down and hope they send us home early.  Oh, and dream of this.


roxie said...

In August, when it's so hot and steamy that you can barely breathe, you'll think of these crappy, snowicane days with fondness. Right? Put a snowball in the freezer for then.

Bezzie said...

What Roxie said. Everytime I catch myself starting to grow tired of it, I harken back to July, 90 degrees, no A/C and 100% humidity. I'll take a snowicane any day.

DrK said...

you would really rather live somewhere where it snows. really. you would. oh no wait, thats me! swap?

Louiz said...

Hope you get home soon, and wrap up warm. Enjoy the soup.

Saren Johnson said...

If you're a skier then snow is a good thing. If you're like me, snow is evil.

Amy Lane said...

Lovely dream... Winter is good for lovely dreams.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...