Friday, February 26, 2010

Kate and I went to the doctors yesterday.  She went because she fell when a table collapsed at Pizza Hut and she bruised her shoulder/arm.  It hurts her to move it and lifting things is painful.  He recommended ibuprofen and light duty work for the next two weeks.  It'll be a little complicated since she has no insurance and it's really a workman's compensation thing. 

I went for a regular checkup and I learned some things.

The bumps on my hands are not bone.  My hands are "normal" in the xrays.  I have pain and he said it's probably arthritis but the bumps are not osteoarthritis like I was afraid of.  Some people just get bumps on their joints.  He offered a referral to a  hand specialist but I declined for the moment.  I can take some ibuprofen for pain and swelling.  It's also probably a touch of tendonitis which will respond to heat and ibuprofen. 

He agreed that going to the gym is a good thing.  I asked about the blood pressure meds and exercise.  He said one of the meds I take is making it hard for me to get my heart rate up to a good number while exercising. This medicine (metropolol) works to keep heart rate down so I have to work harder to get a higher number and won't get the numbers I want.  He said to use the "exhaustion scale" and to stop when I got tired.  I will probably not get rid of all of my blood pressure meds as long as I keep my job.  He thinks the stress of the job contributes to the bp problem (that and heredity).  Getting into better shape is still a good idea.

I also learned that I have another sinus infection.  This is the third one in three months.  Too many sick people around here.

It's quiet this morning.  People are struggling into work.  Pk just emailed me to say he's the only one who made it into the office but they can all work from home so he'll have work to do. 

There was a train stuck on the bridge into Philadelphia so both east and westbound trains had to share one side.  We had to wait for a bit for our turn.  I've been stuck on the bridge and it's not fun.  Hopefully, we'll be able to get home without too much trouble.  It's icy and the wind is really blowing. 

I like the snow.  I know I have complained about it but it's not so much the snow itself that's a problem. It's the reaction of the people who are not used to it and treat every challenge in life as a personal affront that is so difficult to deal with.  Snow makes travel an adventure.  We don't go out if it's really bad but otherwise, life goes on and so do we.  Tonight we are supposed to go and get Pk's birthday present (computer parts) and then get a cable modem. (we're switching services because our local dsl company has been delivering less than stellar service).  If the weather is bad, we'll go tomorrow.  No big deal.  I do have to find time to go the grocery store and that will be an adventure.

Pk wants to go to an estate sale on Sunday.  Personally, I don't understand it.  There aren't any tools listed.....


roxie said...

PK is probably getting a little shack-nasty and just wants to check out someone else's house. He should get some killer deals because there won't be much turn-out for the sale.

Poor Kate! This definitely sounds like Workman's Comp. Ice and heat and, oddly enough, walking helped me through similar situations. You naturally gently swing your arms while walking, and that helps relax the shoulder and keep it mobile.

What a blessing that you enjoy the snow. Hope your power stays on. It's an adventure, and you are an adventuress at heart!

Bezzie said...

Even if it turns outnot to be major, I hope she reported the injury to her employer. It could bite her in the butt later if she doesn't...

I have to grocery shop tomorrow too. Sigh.

Amy Lane said...

Yeah-- see-- Californians are like that with rain. "OMG--it's rain! Drive REALLY REALLY FAST or drive REALLY REALLY SLOW because it's RAIN and it NEVER happens and it's BAD!"

Gets very frustrating.

I love that what's a great gift to a man is 'computer parts' to a woman...

Jeanne said...

Poor Kate - sounds painful and I hope she feels better.

I don't mind snow either - but I am really tired of it at this point, and I'd like spring to come!

Have a good weekend!

amy said...

Oh, the stuff I dealt with while waitressing. It's shameful, really. It's a problem for everybody when a segment of the population doesn't have adequate insurance or benefits. I worked my way through mono & bronchitis, because I had no sick time. Wouldn't you have loved to be one of my customers?!?!

Yes, we soldier on through the snow as well, but I really am ready for spring now!!

Alwen said...

I like the snow, too! Sometimes I have to white-knuckle through it, and that's not so fun, but I really like the down time.

Anonymous said...

I like snow, too. So, good for you having something to enjoy. And weird about the bumps --- I'd've guessed bone spurs.

Anonymous said...

i think I know the bumps you mean. A girl I work with got one in the joint between hand and wrist, on top, and had it removed. It was like a joint cyst. It wasn't painful, just irritating.

I'm sure the snow is a bit of a hardship but you know, move south if it's that much of an issue is what I want to say to the endlessly complaining types. Although I don't have to live in it so easy for me to say!

Louiz said...

I hope Kate gets better soon.

Glad about the hands.

Saren Johnson said...

Grilltech can't get his heart rate up either. He uses the I'm sweaty method.

Sheepish Annie said...

I still can't get over how you guys are getting so much snow down there and we here in the "frozen north" are getting torrential rains. Weird? Oh yeah!!

Glad to hear your hands are not afflicted with the osteo. Not fun. If you can treat for the pain and swelling without extra meds, that sounds like a plan!

Hope that Kate is feeling better. That sounds like quite the fall!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...