Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hard cover or paperback?
Both, depending on whether it is a favorite author and I will keep the book forever or if I am buying it and releasing it into the wild.
If you owned a bookshop, what would you call it?
Book. Simple and to the point. Although, I might be too possessive to sell anything and would have to make sure the books were going to good homes.
Favorite quote from a book?
"Anything is possible in this most impossible of all possible worlds" Candide by Voltaire
Author, dead or alive, to have lunch with?
No contest. Isaac Asimov. The man wrote over 800 books, many of them text books. He gave us our images of robots and the future and wrote some terrific sci-fi.
If you were on a deserted island and could take only one book, what would you take?
This was harder but I really liked Amy's idea of an Anthology and Norton's is the only one I have ever heard or or owned. I also would like a blank book to write in.
The smell of books reminds me of....
Old books remind me of my high school library and new books make me excited (or is that too much information?)
If you were a lead character, who would you be?
One of my all time favorite books is And Ladies of the Club by Helen Hooven Santmeyer. It is a novel about 2 women and their friends in a small town in Ohio. It starts shortly after the civil war and goes for 60 years through their friendships and families . I would be Anne. She is the steadfast, calm, sensible wife who just gets things done. She just quietly goes about her life and does what needs doing without fanfare. She is loving and kind and all those good things. I think I am probably a lot like her already. Me and my quiet anonymous life and I like it like that.
What do you think is the most overrated book of all time?
Ulyssees by James Joyce. I hated it. 'nuff said.
I hate it when a book....
ends too quickly. Not like in a short book but in a book where it sounds like the author said, "hmm, I have 25 pages to wrap this story up and tie in all the details".
So, there are my answers. If you asked me tomorrow, I might have different ones. It was hard to choose favorites because I have been a reader all my life. I read the cereal boxes at the table and my grandmother laughed at that and used to buy me Bobbsey Twins books every time she went out. I have an almost complete set of the originals. I tried to read them to my kids but they don't translate well into the modern world. I am a sucker for Hans Christian Anderson tales because he doesn't have happy endings all the time. Ever read the original Little Mermaid? If not, give it a try. Much more satisfying ending. I read predominately fiction at this point because I figure life is tough all day at work and when I come home, I want to be entertained. The last non-fiction book I read, and I highly recommend it, was Letters to Sam by Dan Gottlieb. Dan is a psychologist who became quadraplegic at age 25 from a car accident. Sam is his grandson who has autism. Dan was afraid Sam would not know him as a person so he wrote a series of letters that are wonderful glimpses into what the world looks like when you are different.
And if anyone is interested, Em's friend got his car unstuck using a backhoe. Luckily for him, he knows someone who works with a backhoe and didn't have to pay for it. Will this stop him from trying to drive through standing water in the future? Nope. Em calls it 'testosterone poisoning' and he has it bad.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
After reading the Yarn Harlot's blog yesterday, I feel bad. She is sick with a cold. She sounded miserable. There were over 170 comments on how she could treat her congestion and survive a plane flight. It occurred to me that she could say, postpone this trip and take care of herself. I, and I am sure a lot of local knitters, would be disappointed but we would live. I suggested such in the comments. I would rather have her come when she feels well and is at her best than have her run herself into the ground to make a public appearance. I checked this morning and so far, it looks like she is still coming. We are going over early. It is 80 degrees here and supposed to rain all afternoon and evening. If there is some kind of line, it will be miserable. I have a mostly finished pair of monkey socks to work on and a new pair of mock cable socks to cast on so I am good. Kate and Emily have their knitting so I guess everyone is ready.
Now, to get this pesky work out of the way.....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I was at work today and showed my web site to some coworkers. I wanted to show them my snowflake socks. They were duly impressed and read some of the rest of the entries. I have no idea what they said when I left the room. But when I came back, they said "You should bring those socks in here". I said I did. Every day. On the train. They said "no, to sell". After I finished laughing, I pointed to the skein of sock yarn pictured on the blog. "How much do you think I paid for that hand dyed sock yarn?". They had no idea but guessed about 10 dollars. I said,"no, I paid 30 dollars for that. Now, who is going to pay me at least 30 dollars for socks? And that's just for the yarn." They insisted someone would. Somehow, I doubt it. And besides, I like knowing that the people to whom I give my hand knitted gifts cherish them and know that they have a little of my love around them everytime they wear them.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is coming to our local Borders book store on Friday. I rsvp'd two weeks ago and the woman at the store made sure I understood that this did not guarantee me a seat, they just needed an approximate count. Well, if they know how many people are coming, why don't they get enough chairs? Duh?! Kate and Emily and I are going and are planning to get there early, knitting in hand so we can get a seat. I heard that there were over 250 people coming. The store is not that big.....I have a feeling they are going to be overwhelmed. Photos will be forthcoming.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I finished the first sock in my strikke-along pair. It fits well, almost a little big but it's wool and may shrink a little when it's washed. I didn't do all the pattern repeats because the foot was getting really long and I hadn't gotten to the toe. I slipped it on and halfway through the last repeat, the sock already came to the base of my toes. I stopped the pattern and started the toe. Now, this was not a particularly difficult pattern and I didn't have to rip out too many stitches along the way. I even enjoyed knitting it most of the time. However, the toe, the plain stockinette, single color toe had to be ripped out and restarted 4 times. For some reason, I had a terrible time with the decreases. I am not sure I like them as they are written and may rip it out for a 5th time and do them differently. Overall, I am proud and pleased with the sock. It is thick and warm and since I always have cold feet in the winter, it will come in handy. It stretches enough but not too much and fits well.
Last night was the first time I took knitting out on a date with my husband where we were going to meet some friends. I had never met the girlfriend and was not sure what she would think of me sitting there knitting while I talked. She is 20 yrs younger and I wondered if she would think I was an old lady. I decided to chance it and was calmly working on a monkey sock when she came into the bar. She asked about it and admitted she had tried to learn to knit but hadn't had much success. I offered to help her the next time we get together but I don't think she'll take me up on it. I also discovered I can't converse easily while knitting. I talk with my hands and found that I was often putting the knitting down so I could contribute to the conversation. Needless to say, not much knitting progress was made but a good time was had by all.
The laundry is finally all folded and put away and the ironing is all done. I did the grocery shopping earlier and now it is time for some "me" time in which I will tackle the second snowflake sock. Otherwise my feet will have to fight over the one sock all winter!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
And how did we spend our day, you may ask? Taking these
To celebrate our anniversary, we are getting tickets to see the Renoir landscapes at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and have dinner somewhere nice. We love the museum and Renoir is a favorite. I am lucky to be married to my best friend.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
This was a lovely weekend weather wise. Too bad I can't remember much of it. By Friday night I had turned the heel and picked up the gusset stitches and started the foot of my sock. It looks really nice and I am proud of it. I am especially proud that the gusset turned out like the photo said it should. The bottom of the foot is striping up nicely and all seems well. Saturday morning I woke up with the nasty, sore throat, mucus-filled chest that is a sure sign that I am developing bronchitis. I know this because bronchitis and I are old friends. Maybe friends is too strong a word, say, cough syrup drinking-buddies. Along with the mucus, etc. comes a lethargy that is so hard to kick. I managed to do the laundry but that is about it. I sat out front with the intention of enjoying the warm weather and knitting but I think I slept on and off most of the day. I don't quite remember. We watched a terrible disaster movie and I went to bed and slept 11 hours. I got up, ate breakfast and you guessed it, went back to sleep for a few hours. I am trying to stay awake because I want to sleep tonight so I can go to work tomorrow and be coherent. I wish we had off like the federal government and the schools. It is Columbus Day and all, but we are a HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION (cue dramatic music)! Someone might NEED us!!!! I think I would like to go back to sleep again. My eyelids are slowly sinking, sinking, sinking...I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
Today I got my wrist slapped at work. Yep. For doing something I thought would make everyone smile on a gray and dreary Monday morning. I ge...