Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Hallowe'en!

Pk says thanks for the positive comments.  He enjoyed writing the guest post.  I enjoyed sharing his thoughts.  It's funny to go to a yarn store with him and have him say, "that yarn will make a good pair of socks for me".  I keep my eye out for manly colors and patterns for him since he isn't a fan of brightly colored socks.

We have no big plans for today.  I'll do the laundry and cook a large pot of chili.  My brother called and asked if we wanted to come for dinner like we always do.  Since my girls were little, we've gotten together and had trick or treating and a "candy swap" and something hot and delicious for dinner.  My kids have all outgrown trick or treating and have their own plans but my brother's kids are young and the holiday is still fun for them.  So, I put on my jack o'lantern shirt and I'll make some chili and Pk and I will go and swap some of the candy we don't particularly like for some things they don't like.  I'm going to try the Boston Brown Bread recipe now that I've saved up enough cans to bake it in.  If it works, I'll share it next week.  I remember it as being really delicious.

Other than that, I'm having a peaceful weekend.  Tomorrow we'll have cake for my birthday (it's really Wednesday) and maybe Em will come (there are a lot of things going on this weekend and traffic will be horrendous).  Kate will be at the Renaissance Faire but will maybe be home for dinner.  Pk will cook and I'll sit around and let him take care of me.  Not a bad way to spend a day.

  It's the end of DST here and we gain an hour tonight.  It's also the end of Blogtoberfest.  I'll admit, I'm glad.  It was harder this year to post every day.  I admire and am in awe of those people who find things to fill a post every day all year long.  I don't know how they do it. 

Whatever your plans are, I hope the weekend's a good one.

Friday, October 30, 2009

As promised, a guest post from Pk. 

Today I'm the guest Blog for my Lovely Wife.

Let me share my impression of her blog from this end. ( I confess I don't read it so I probably don't know what I'm talking about)

Knitting is mostly about socks with the occasional shawl/sweater thrown into the mix. I don't think I really need to say anything else, this to my mind neatly paraphrase the whole caboodle.

Shall we discuss socks?

Socks, socks, socks and more socks. I'm a Thorlo kind of guy, my feet are hot and sweaty. You don't want to stand next to my boots when I take them off. It would seem disrespectful to wrap something made with that much love, skill and craft around my knurly stank'n brogans. I see the work that socks take to create. Been there from start to finish, I've held the yarn in my out stretched arms to wind into balls, test fitted the turn of the heel so I know what it takes to make them. As a family and an individual we use the word "sock" more in week than I did in 6 ½ years in the navy ( leaving out the more profane uses of the word) . There seems to be no end to sock production, other garments just interrupt the flow of sock production.

Knitting has also changed my wife part one

The changes are a little subtle but they are there. Knitting has made her more adventurous and spontaneous. She'll laugh at this but its true, In the last few years we have gone on more wool related adventures then he ever have in 28 year of marriage. She sees sheep and an alpacas as beautiful animals that are great to touch and pet, I see sheep as a food source. Before knitting, they were Zoo animals. I now see sheep as being edible and wearable. Donna Lee has also become more technically proficient with the computer. If she'd learn to swear more I'd say she could be an IT professional. The few swears she knows are very colorful and make me proud .Please note: She also humors me by occasional accompanying me in my pursuit of rust, lumber, and dead people's things (estate sales)

Knitting has also changed my wife part Two

Her circle of friends and acquaintances now spans the globe. Your names are daily topics of conversation. Did you read so- and - so's blog today? Is frequently uttered between mother and daughter when conversing, along with a review of the latest Doctor MacNinja or diesel sweetie comics. You folks figure so frequently and prominently in our lives and conversations that it is like you're either a neighbor or a relative. I know more about you folks then I do some of my closest friends, and way more than family. What really impresses me most about Donnas' blog and this circle of friends is you generosity and warmth you all share. I've never seen or experienced anything like it, separated by distance and time you folks rally around each other and support other. I am truly impressed and awed by you all.

Knitting has changed my life

As knitting has changed Donna it has changed me too. First I get to spend every day with this increditable woman, second I get to benefit from the fruits of her labor, third I get to see the joy spread to my children. In all knitting is a wonderful thing.

I did not edit this (ok, I did fix the spelling) but I left the grammar and syntax alone. 

Thorlos are socks.  They are "the second best socks in the world".  We make sure Pk gets a few pairs for his birthday/Christmas each year.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I want to thank Em for writing the post for yesterday.  She had offered to do it a while ago and surprised me at work with an email with a ready made post.  Thanks sweetie!

One of my favorite comic strips is Non Sequitur.  I love it.  This was today's strip  You can see it bigger here.  The signs on the gate say " Wrong religion entrance" on the left and "Right religion entrance" on the right.  I like it when a seemingly innocuous source like a comic strip causes me to think.  What if God is sitting there all amused as we down here are adamant that our way is the 'right' way?    That made me smile this morning.  I think we all get the heaven/hell we deserve in the end no matter what your religion.  The best we can do is to treat each other with the kindness and caring we hope to receive in return.  The older I get, the more firmly I believe this. 

I was pleased to find that my shoes were delivered yesterday just as promised.  You know what's cool?  Putting yor feet into shoes that feel good immediately with no 'breaking in' period.  These feel good on my feet.  Just enough arch support and lots of room at the toes.  I have very round feet.  My toes don't come to a point by any stretch of the immagination.  I keep this in mind when I make socks for myself.  I make the toes nice and round.  I like my shoes to be nice and round, too.  I hate for my toes to be all squished together.  The style for very pointy toed shoes seems to be in fashion again.  It's a good thing I don't worry too much about being in vogue.

I spoke to Pk about writing a guest post for me for the end of Blogtoberfest.  He said he'd try tonight.  I promised to print it as is (ok, I'll fix the spelling.  I believe spelling is an innate talent and some people don't have it) and not to edit his words. 

I hope you are having a good Thursday wherever you are.  I hope your shoes are comfortable and your feet are covered with handknit socks!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today, we have a guest post from Emily.  She can usually be found here.  Today, however, she has taken over. 

Hello, faithful blog readers! Momolla has graciously let me take over her blog for the day, and decided not to give me a topic to write on. Those of you who read my blog know that only good things can come of this. For those of you who aren't familiar with this particular brand of insanity, let me introduce myself. I'm Emily, the middle daughter, she of the alien spine baby.

I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about my family, and our special brand of crazy. Mom tells you about us all, but you get the pared down version sometimes. And well, sometimes it's fun to look behind the scenes. We are a family that does a lot of things well. Those things include being silly, making light of serious life events, mocking each other mercilessly, and making obscure cultural references or inside jokes.

For instance, we were all pondering who we would give kidneys or other vital organs to, if the need ever arose. We agreed that there were a few people who would automatically get a kidney, some we would think about, and a couple that not only would we refuse, we would treat to the Kidney Dance of Death. This dance is highly complicated, and is best performed when one is feeling extremely silly. It consists of bopping around and pointing at the location of your kidneys/organs that the non-recipient needs, and singing 'Can't Touch This!' loudly. The more spite and less coordination, the better.

And, while we're discussing music, let me introduce you to a fictional character called Brother Fergus the Easily Overcome. See, Dadumms likes to listen to Gregorian chants around Christmas. The rest of us, not so much. So we decided late one night (momolla is her very silliest when she's tired) that the chants are all about Brother Fergus and how he is, well, easily overcome. The songs can also be about how lonely it is to be a monk, and how cold and boring. Eventually, though, they all lead back to poor Brother Fergus and his love of showers.

Ours is not a family that is capable of taking serious life issues, well, seriously. Momolla keeps being diagnosed with a variety of strange medical issues, and we joked that one year she managed to spend so much time in the emergency room, there was a bed ready waiting for her. Sure we were worried, but we also capitalized on the moment. After all, how many times does one get a text message reading 'guess where I am? the emergency room!' from one's mother? Of course, as revenge, I sent her a message telling her I was locked in a police station one day. Thankfully, I was just there with my manfriend to resolve an issue with an accident report. But, well, that wasn't information that needed to be shared immediately.

Speaking of text messages, I once made the mistake of texting my mother and telling her I was bored at work. I asked her to tell me a story, and she happily complied. She told me the story of the girl who got fired for texting too much at work. It is a classic, and I was sure to share it with my sisters when they texted me from work.

Ours is a supportive, loving family. However, we are not willing to let any slip of the tongue slide. Ever. Ten years ago, I answered 'insectology' instead of 'entomology' during a trivia challenge for a school event. I still have not lived it down. And when my father mis-pronounced Ethiopia, a magical new land was opened to my family. We intentionally mis-pronounce it whenever possible.

When you get right down to it, I wouldn't trade my family for anyone else's. Like any other family, we have our share of problems and arguments from time to time. But when we need one another, we are always there to support each other and to offer words of wisdom (hey, don't screw it up! being some of the most frequently offered) and support (you're not contagious, are you?) and to show one another the humor in any situation (like, say, by photoshopping eyes and tentacles onto tumors). Besides, I couldn't trade them, even if I wanted to. They're the only ones who get me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The chicken was delicious.  When I make it again (and we have decided it's worth making again), I'll squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the olive oil and then toss the whole thing together.  I'd like to spread the lemon flavor around a little more. 

It rained again today.  In fact, it's raining right now.  I don't remember a time when it's rained so many days.  Our rain resistant jackets and umbrellas are getting a workout. 

So, it looks like I won't have to get another flu shot after all.  The supplies of the H1N1 vaccine are much lower than anticipated.  Our hospital got only about 500 doses for 3,000 employees. And it's all gone.  The Medical Director said we aren't likely to get any more.  They gave it to pregnant women and young people first.  I'm not afraid.  I'm fairly healthy and I think I can weather a bout of flu.  I know this is a nasty one but my immune system isn't compromised.

And look what was in my email today


Thank you for shopping with The Walking Company. Your order has

shipped and you should be receiving your merchandise soon. !!!!!
I followed the link to the ups site and my shoes are slated for delivery tomorrow.  Whooppee!!   
We are waiting for the start of the World Series.  Last year we happened to take off from work when they had the parade for the Phillies. It was a good thing since we wouldn't have been able to get home.  The commuter trains were so crowded people couldn't even get onto the platforms.  This year, I'm going to let my manager know that if they win, I'll be taking the day off on the day of the parade.  It's not worth the aggravation of fighting the crowds to get to and from work.
I just finished up the second bump of alpaca and have one more to go.  I'll miss this when I'm done spinning it.  I've never spun anything so soft and easy to work with.  I'm looking forward to knitting with it even though the sweater Pk wants is just a roll neck sweater.  Plain stockinette all the way.  I'm looking for a pattern knit in the round.  Anybody have a suggestion for a good one? 

PPS:  Don't forget Kate's blog contest!  Goodies are waiting to be won!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Rice Krispie Treats were (are, there are still some left) just what I wanted.  Here's a photo from Kellogg's website.  My mom never made these when I was a kid.  I'm not sure why.  I think I was in college before I had my first ones and I was in love.  The ones you buy in the store are not the same.  They don't have the ratio of marshmallow to cereal that makes them chewy but not too gooey.  And theirs have a funny taste.

Speaking of recipes, tonight we're trying a new one from Real Simple magazine.  It's a "lifestyle" magazine.  I bought a copy to help waste time while I was waiting for El to get her hair cut and the Borders' Express didn't have any knitting magazines (I know!  I complained).  Anyway, Real Simple is all about the simple, good things in life.  Doing more with less, the whole idea of living life simpler.  Like we need a magazine to tell us we have too much stuff?  They publish good recipes that use few ingredients for weeknight after work I'm too tired to cook nights.  Tonight we're having

Roast chicken with carrots, lemon and olives

1 chicken cut into pieces
1 lemon cut into wedges
1/2  cup kalamata olives
2 pounds of baby carrots
 4 bay leaves
 2 Tablespoons olive oil

Set oven to 425 degrees (F) and toss all ingredients together on a flat baking dish with sides.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Spread ingredients out so they're in one layer.

Bake about 45 mins until done.  Carrots will carmelize  and chicken will be browned.

I have no idea if this will be good.  It reminded me of the lemon chicken with olives we had at the moroccan restaurant.  That was good so I figured this will be good.  It's certainly easy.  And right now, it smells really good.  I'l let you know.

No word that they've shipped my shoes yet.  Sigh.  I hate waiting. 

eta:  Here's a photo of the chicken with carrots and lemons and olives.  I wish this computer had "smell-o-vision" so I could share how good this smells!  (I used boneless skinless thighs instead of a cut up chicken)

PS!  Kate is having a blog contest over at her blog.  Check it out!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The trees across the street continues to put on its yearly show.  The windy rain didn't strip them of their leaves so we're going to get to see it keep changing. 

It rained and rained and rained last night.  And then this morning, all the clouds were gone.  The sky is blue and looks like it goes on forever.  And the sun is warm but the air is cool.  A perfect fall day.

We went to get brunch to find out that the buffet had changed.  They still had eggs and stuff but they had dropped the charges and therefore got rid of the desert table.  This meant no Rice Krispie treats!  They are my favorite part of eating breakfast there.  There was nothing to do but buy marshmallows and Rice Krispies and make my own.  I'll be taking care of that in a few minutes.

We went to the fancy store and it was not crowded at all so we decided to just shop there.  Their ads said they dropped their prices 10% so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.  It wasn't.  It's an adventure to shop in a different store.  You have to pay attention to what you're doing because things are not in their accustomed places.  We meandered around and got everything we needed and only a few things we really didn't.  Then we went and exchanged the beater for the mixer.  We have a KitchenAid mixer that is 25 yrs old.  It is a true workhorse and I love it.  The beater is cast iron with an enamel coating and the coating was coming off. 

The groceries got put away and then El and I went and got hair cuts and I picked up some strombolies for dinner.  I'll heat them up and make a salad.  It's just Pk and I for dinner and this will be easy and hopefully tasty. 

Only one more week of blogtoberfest.  It seems like October went by quickly but then I think that of all the months. This week, a guest post coming up.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sorry the dansko link didn't work.  It worked when I posted (I always check it because I'm paranoid about that).  I'll post a photo of the shoes when they get here.  This is one I found online at  They're like closed back clogs.  They fit like clogs and the backs are designed to move as you walk.  Some people find this disconcerting but I've come to really like it.

Today has been an odd weather day.  When I woke up (after almost 12 hours of much needed sleep), I felt better and was sneezing less.  My nose doesn't feel like it's going to come off and my head is clearer.  There was some sun, but lots of dark clouds.  As the day went by, there would be about 2 minutes of downpour and then some clearing and then clouds for a while and then the whole thing would start over.  It made it hard for Pk to do anything outside.  Now, at 7 pm, it's still 70 degrees and windy but hasn't rained for a while.  Weird.

We got the winter clothes down even though the weather is unseasonably warm because I know this won't last.  I washed and folded and put away all the sweaters and sweatshirts and long sleeved things we'll need.  One more load and then all the laundry is done.  I love this.  My closet and drawers are all straightened out and neat.  One weekend soon I have to attack the hall closet.  It's full of old sheets and towels that I didn't want to throw out but are a real mess.

Tomorrow we're going to get a Sunday paper and go to the buffet for breakfast.  If you get there early, you can spread out in a booth and read the paper and eat.  Then it's a trip to the fancy grocery store for some spice Pk is looking for and a trip back to the kitchen store to exchange the beater for the mixer we bought last night.  And then a trip to our local grocery store for our groceries.  I'd like to shop at the fancy store but it's markedly more expensive and they don't have the selection our local store does. 

Whooo.  Here comes the rain again and I swear I hear thunder in the distance. 

Friday, October 23, 2009

I think the best thing we can say about today is that it's almost over.  When I woke up this morning, I started sneezing and haven't stopped.  I went to work but I know I should have stayed home.  I've mentioned our rather draconian policies involving sick time.  It's mostly because we have the same rules they have over at our main hospital and they are all designed to make sure the nursing staff is sufficient to cover a shift (although I am sure I don't want a nurse to come in with a sneezy head cold).  While an "occurrence" won't count on my evaluation any more, it will be kept track of and when I reach the arbitrary number of 5 occurrences in a year (and an occurrence is any time you have an unscheduled absence) you are "in the disciplinary process". Since I didn't want to deal with all of that and I'm unsure of how many occurrences I have (they counted my gall bladder surgery even though it was pre approved time), I got my sneezy self into work.  I was fairly busy all day and went through an enormous box of tissues. 

I perked up somewhat this afternoon and Pk, El and I went to the mall to locate the shoes I wanted for my birthday.  I ordered these.  They're called Phoebe and are made by dansko.  I own several pairs of shoes (not nearly as many as some people I know) but I really only wear two pairs of them to work on a regular basis.  A few years ago, one of the doctors told me about her danskos and I have been wearing them ever since.  They feel good on my feet and support my back and legs as I walk.  They're really popular with doctors and people who stand on their feet all day. I have a high instep and have trouble finding shoes that accomodate that.  When I found these, I bought a brown pair and a black pair.  My brown pair gets way more wear than the black pair and are really beat up.  So, I ordered a new pair and they'll ship them directly to my house next week.  Yay for packages in the mail! 

We walked around the mall but after its major rennovation, it's not as warm and welcoming as it once was.  It's full of comfortable furniture and soft music but it's all very sterile looking.  Very white and bright and well, blah.  It's also full of expensive stores.  We walked in through Nordstrom's and I saw a sequined skirt that I thought my niece would have loved.  But not 134 dollars worth.  She's only 9 and not likely to wear it for very long before outgrowing it and who buys a skirt for that much for a child?  Not me, that's for sure.  We did enjoy the kitchen store and bought a new pepper grinder and some really delicious coffee (Snickerdoodle-it's vanilla and cinnamon).  I was starting to really fade and so we stopped and got some take out soup and some cold shrimp and came home and had a quick dinner.

I'm sitting here listening to a storm coming up.  We're in for some rain tonight and tomorrow.  I think I'll stay as close to home as I can and just do laundry.  And probably knit.  There's always time for that!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today didn't turn out quite as we planned but it was a good day nonetheless.  When I woke up this morning, I felt really out of sorts.  Just under the weather, not really sick but I was really crampy and headachy. 

So we decided to scrap the plan and just stay home and putz around.  It was a good choice.  Pk worked in the garage and I spun quite a bit of alpaca.  I enjoy spinning that more than anything.  I like the way it feels and it doesn't need a lot of concentration because the color is consistent so it's a contentment kinda thing.  I have another hank drying and two bobbins ready to be plied.  I'm going to work steadily on this so that when the weather gets really cold, I can knit the sweater at night while I sit under a blanket. 

I had a monkey sock about 2/3 done but was not happy with the fabric.  I used the needles specified (2.5) and the pattern looked ok but when I got to the heel, it just looked too loose.  Did I stop and rip then?  Of course not.  I kept going all the while saying, "I don't really like the fabric but maybe I'll like it better tomorrow". (yea, I know, that River in Egypt) Well, finally last night I came to my senses and ripped the entire thing out and restarted it on 2.25's.  I think it'll be better.

Here's a couple pictures from my hooky day.  These are the last of the mums out front of my house.  We need to put some more in to balance the bed out but these are some that have come back over and over.  I love the color.
This is my neighbor's tree.  I love watching the color change.  It's really two trees but when you see them from my front step, it looks like one perfect tree.  It usually puts on the most beautiful show.  It's just starting.  And look at that blue sky.  We really do have a beautiful planet.  Days like today make me really appreciate it.

One day left in the week and then the weekend!  I have to actually get the winter clothes out this weekend.  The last time we planned it, we lost interest and chose to put it off.  But we are running out of time.  Although the weather has been beautiful this week, the cold is hiding around the corner. 

Dinner is over. Pk is playing his computer game and yelling at the computer (and the other people playing).  I'm relaxing and enjoying the last of the day off.  Now, I'm going to browse the Dansko website for a new pair of shoes.  I love them and although they're expensive, they last 4 years of near every day wear.  They feel good on my feet.  My brown pair is looking really worn and as a birthday gift, I'm getting a new pair.  Hopefully, the store near me will have what I want in my size and I won't have to order them. 

Have a good evening!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This is the way I'm feeling today.  Blah.  Not sick enough to call out but not well, either.  It's probably allergies (or the doctor who came in sick as a dog has passed on her germs). 

I'm taking tomorrow off as a mental health day.  The weather promises to be nice (78 degrees! and sunny!) so Pk and I are going to go outside and do something.  I think I'd like to take our bicycles and ride the bike path around the river.

Happy Hump Day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's alright.........
(McCartney and Lennon)

It's better than alright!  It feels so nice to have sun on my face and to see people walking slowly down the street without umbrellas.  Too bad I have to be at work.  Especially since the 7 day forecast shows the sunny weather holding until, you guessed it, Friday. 

I'm feeling a little under the weather today.  My throat is sore and my ears hurt and my head is full.  It seems like everyone around here is walking around sick or near sick.  The doctor I spent the afternoon with yesterday sounds like death warmed over.  If I get really sick, I'm totally blaming her. 

There's a discussion on ravelry on the  Yarn board about why people stash yarn.  People get really apologetic about their stash (or boodle) and they also get really defensive.  The original poster just asked "why do you stash" .  I was curious and so started to read some of the responses.  The number of reasons for yarn stashes is as large as the number of people who have them!  I'm not much of a stasher (although Pk might disagree with that).  I have a tote full of sock yarn but I know I'll use all of it for socks for myself and others and I like making socks (sounds like justification, doesn't it?).  I don't have much in the way of other yarns.  I tend to figure out what I want to make and go out and find it and only buy what I need.  Maybe because I can't guestimate how much I'll need for an average sweater so I don't just buy lots of yarn.  I haven't been knitting for that long and maybe it'll change but I don't think so.  I don't have the space for one thing!  Kate is probably moving back into her room for a while and there goes my craft room.  I had to move my totes of roving and the carder into my bedroom. 

The space in the bedroom is finite despite what we keep telling ourselves.  Pk likes it when I spin in the bedroom while he plays on the computer.  He likes the sound of the wheel and he likes to watch.  So, the wheel has moved into the bedroom for now.  Someday when we win the lottery and can rennovate the house to accomodate our crafts, this will all change.  I envision a room just for my sewing machine and spinning wheel and fiber.  A room with lots of windows and light.  And a big comfy chair to sleep/knit/read in. 
Nice dream, that.

But the dream is over and the phone on my desk is ringing.  Again.  Sigh.

It seems like years since it's been clear.......
Here comes the sun......

Monday, October 19, 2009

The ice scraper got a workout this morning quite unexpectedly.  If I see that there is ice on the car, I usually go out and start it so it can defrost while I finish getting ready.  I thought it was just wet from all of the rain but as I was putting on my seat belt, Pk was knocking on the window and showing me it was frozen over. 

(Happiness is having someone taller than you who can reach the middle of the windshield with the scraper!). 

It should be a good day (my horroscope said so and they wouldn't lie to me!) since I only have one clinic and the last appt has already cancelled.  The sky was so clear and blue this morning, such a contrast from all the grey and wet of last week.  The temp is supposed to go back to more normal range this week.  I finally remembered to bring my wool coat to go to the cleaners so hopefully, the cold weather will retreat for a while. 

I realized I have 3 pairs of socks on the needles and they're all designed for me.  How selfish does that sound?  I think because all of the things I've finished lately have gone to others, I feel the need to make something for me.  There will be no holiday knitting this year.  Not enough time left to make a stab at it and I'm not one for putting stress on myself.  I'll continue to make my family warm socks but no pressure to finish them for the holiday.  And here's a scary thought, it's 9 1/2 weeks till Christmas.

Here's to a happy Monday!  May the day provide something interesting and mildly challenging but not overwhelming. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It is better to travel well than to arrive.

~The Buddha

Well, yesterday we travelled well.  We left the house around 7:30 and had a quick breakfast at McDonald's (they do great pancakes) and caught the commuter train we usually take and got into Philadelphia around 8:45.  It was raining and cold.  Pk hailed us a cab to take us to 30th St Station. (He's such a gentleman.  He let me stand under an overhang while he stood in the rain and got the taxi)  It's an old station and built to be beautiful as well as functional.  You can see on the digital clock that we got there at 9:02.  This was the time they suggested we arrive so that everyone could be boarded in time for a 10:00 departure.  I'm glad we paid attention because the line stretched out and wound around collumns and seemed to go on forever.  We found the end and got in line and soon there were lots of people behind us. (We learned later that there were over 800 people on this trip)

  We got to stand under sculptures (wall friezes?) like this one, The Spirit of Transportation.  I was musing that they don't decorate public buildings like this anymore.  When we finally got down to the train tracks (the line moved quickly despite it's length) we got a few minutes to look at the engine and were disappointed to find that although we were riding in the promised Road Warrior cars, they were the modern versions.  I suppose we should be thankful because this version has comfortable seats!  (Unless you're short.  Then the headrest hits the back of your head and makes your head tilt forward.  I wish I had thought to bring a small pillow). 

This is Pk in front of the PRR sign on the side of the train. 

We got seated and found we didn't have a window view and had to use the windows in the seats in front or in back of us.  It was ok.  We could still see what was going by.  Taking photos was another matter.  There was the plexiglass window, the moving train and the raindrops on the windows.  All three making for some blurry, grey shots.

What did we do for 8 hrs?  Well, they fed us lunch at 10:45 (a sandwich, chips, soda and cookie) and we  watched out the window a lot.  Pk used the GPS app on his iphone and kept track of where we were (when he wasn't whacking people in imobsters) and I kept myself busy with my mp3 player and my sock. 

 I knitted and dozed.  Trying to sleep on Pk's shoulder was a challenge since he kept turning toward the window to take another photo!

At Harrisburg, they let us get out of the train on the platform for about 10 minutes.  We took advantage of this to stretch our legs and to get a breath of fresh air. The train car was rather warm all day.  I had on a t-shirt and a sweater along with my heavy coat and had taken off all but the tee. This also gave us a chance to see the engine in the light.  It was pretty.  There were people all along the route taking photos and watching us go by. 

After Harrisburg, we got on the express tracks and got back into Philadelphia at 5:30.  Imagine that, it was still raining!  We got home and picked up El and went to our favorite Chinese resturant for dinner.

And then it was all I could do to keep my eyes open!  For someone who sat on her butt all day, I was tired!  I ripped out the Wildflowers shawl and used that yarn to start some monkey socks.  I wasn't going to have enough to finish the shawl and couldn't find it online to order more so I decided it should be socks.  I cast on, did the ribbing and fell asleep with the needles in my hands. 

Today, we had breakfast and now I'm in the middle of laundry.  The dinner is going into the crock pot and the rest of the day will be knitting and probably sleeping.  I don't know why I'm so sleepy, must be the rain.  Yes, it's raining again.  Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and all week will be nice.  Just in time to go back to work......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This is an engine like the one we're travelling with today.  It's huge!  It's a Pennsylvania Rail Road E8 and is a deisel engine. 

Alllllllll Aboard! 

Photos and story to follow tomorrow.  Have a good Saturday!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Walking down the street this morning was like walking through a cloud.  A very wet cloud.  It was misting and an umbrella wouldn't have been of much use since the mist was all around.  It was cold enough for mittens and I wore an old pair I found in the closet.  I must finish my thrummed mittens soon.  Funny thing is, it's supposed to be 20 degrees warmer on Tuesday so not only won't I need the mittens, I won't need the winter coat I wore this morning.  Gotta love it.

I just finished teaching a Crisis Management training.  There were 7 people who didn't show up and now will have to be added to the training in November.  This makes me mad because we planned these trainings so that the numbers would be spread out all during the year.  November is the last one and I have a feeling it'll be a large group.  It's hard to have an effective training when there's 35 people in the room since half of the training is physical and we teach people how to break out of holds and block punches. 

It's almost lunch time and I'm hungry and my body is tired.  The trainings take a bit out of me.  I'm going to sit at my desk and do paperwork for the rest of the afternoon.  Sounds exciting, huh? 

My roving came for the ply by night challenge.  It's so beautiful.  I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to split the light parts from the dark to make two different colored yarns.  I split some of it and I'm not sure how it'll work out.  But, I said I wanted a challenge.  I found the Twilight Mitts pattern and I'm sure I can lengthen the finger parts since I want full on mittens, not mitts.  It's the tips of my fingers that get the coldest so I don't want to leave them exposed.

Rain, rain, rain.  We're getting rain until Monday so I'll pull out the boots.  Pk got all of his wood cut into boards and safely inside the garage before the rain started two days ago.  He's buying a book on building spinning wheels so he can plan and play for the 6 months or so it'll take until the wood is dry enough to work with.  This is going to be a fun project.

Tomorrow is our train trip.  I can't wait.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Thursday morning and dark enough for the streetlights to still be on.  There is a storm system coming through which will dump rain on us for the next 4 days so it'll be a wet train trip on Saturday.  Well, on Sat there's only a 70% chance of showers so there's a chance, however small, that we'll have a cloudy but drier trip.  It's ok either way.  We'll bring books and knitting and music and snacks.  8 hours of forced relaxation.  Pretty tough to bear, I know.

I used to get Bon Appetit magazine years ago.  I loved the recipes and some of them have become family favorites (chicken of the good woman came from there).  Then the editor died and I didn't like the woman who took over so I let my subscription lapse.  For some reason, (I think I got a free subscription when I bought something else) I started getting the magazine again a short while ago.  It's ok.  Not great but ok.  The recipes are still good and since I like to try new things, I read it every month.

I tried a chocolate chocolate chip cookie from an advertisement for Ghiradelli chocolate.  Pk loved them and took most of them to work today to share with coworkers.  Patrick took some  home with him last night, too.  I think they're meh.  I like my plain chocolate chips better but I thought I'd share the recipe because it's full of chocolate and sometimes you really need that.

Ghiradelli Ultimate Double Chocolate Cookies

(In full disclosure, I did not use ghiradelli chocolate.  I used a very dark (80% cocoa) chocolate and regular chocolate chips.  I also added a tsp of vanilla and a tsp of salt to the dough)

1 bag 11.5 oz Ghiradelli bittersweet 60% cacao chips
6 tablespoons unsalted butter (I used regular butter)
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1/3 cup of flour (no that is not a typo)
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1 bag 12 oz ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup (4oz) chopped walnuts

Melt dark chocolate and butter together in microwave until smooth. 
In large bowl, beat eggs and sugar until thick
Stir in chocolate mixture
Stir in flour and baking powder
Mix in chocolate chips and walnuts

Using a sheep of plastic wrap, form dough into two long logs about 2 inches in diameter.  (The dough is very soft and this is a little messy.  I used the plastic wrap to make the logs evenly rounded).  Wrap tightly and freeze for about an hour or until firm enough to cut into rounds. 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Cut dough into 3/4 inch slices. Place on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper (I used waxed paper but this tends to smoke when put in the oven).  Bake 12-14 minutes.  Let cool for a few minutes before removing from paper.

These are intensely chocolate and are good with a cold glass of milk!

Now that I've made you all hungry, have a good Thursday! 

cookie photos from Ghiradelli.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This post is being brought to you by verizon internets!  Yay!  The nice verizon guy came about 3 pm today and worked for about a half an hour and voila!  The electrons are all lined up and we have internets. 

So, now I can share with you the photos I took on Saturday.  This is somewhere in Caln Twp. in Pennsylvania.  Because the expressway is under construction, we opted for the back roads.  Most of the way it rained.    By the time we were on our way home though, the storm system had moved out and the sky was filled with these amazing clouds. 

This is my corriedale roving in Warm Wine.  I'm thinking of stringing some beads a la Tilly Thomas and adding them when I ply this.  Something sparkly.  I've never done that but have seen other people's and it's really pretty.  The technique doesn't look too difficult.  And Ms Thomas charges some hefty prices for her efforts.  (not that I would compare my beginner efforts to her professional work).

I'm still knitting on the bayerische socks, one repeat into number 2.  I still like the pattern but it takes a bit of concentration.  My train knitting is a pair of socks in the Sept color from the artwalk yarn club.  My skein is black and purple with little bits of blue running through it. There was not enough light to take a photo.  The black is too dark and doesn't show up well with the flash.  The light doesn't last too long this time of year.

I'm also working on the Wildflowers shawl in the yarn that amy lane sent me.  It's really bright colors but it was too dark to pick them up.  When we have a nice sunny day, I'll take her outside for a photo shoot.  I like the way the yarn is working with the pattern.  It's intended for me (but then so was the last one!).  It'll add some color to my winter wardrobe.

We are pleased to have our internets back.  Pk is celebrating by playing Call of Duty ( a WWII shoot 'em up).  I have checked on the emails and posted the photos and now I can go and read the blogs I don't get to read at work.  Kate and Patrick are washing the dishes.  We have the Boyfriend Rule in our house.  Whoever has their boyfriend over for dinner has to do the dishes.  (It probably works for girlfriends, too).  We figured if you have a guest, you are increasing the number of dishes used and should do the cleaning up.  Surprisingly, none of the boyfriends have ever complained.

The ply by night group has chosen a lace shawl or a pair of stranded color mittens as the next spin and knit project.  I was going to make the shawl but I'm thinking I might like to spin for the mittens.  The pattern is the Twilight Mitts.  The challenge is to sping the roving into two distinct colors to make the pattern work.  I have some white merino that I could use as a contrast but I think that defeats the purpose of the group. (the photo is from the seller's collection).    I like the challenge.

So, that's it for today.  How's Blogtoberfest going for you?

I'm going to live dangerously and postpone today's post until later tonight so I can put some actual knitting/spinning content in.  Kate has promised to bring back my camera and verizon has promised us internet so I'll wait.

But just in case here's some happy things for today

-having a husband who always has warm hands (when I always have cold ones)
-having said husband be willing to hold my cold hands
-having to work only a half day (even if it's because of the electron malfunction at our house.)  A half day is a half day!

Hopefully, later tonight I will be able to post from home and show you my "warm wine" colored roving that is slowly becoming warm wine colored yarn.  And I have to go find the mittens I was making and finish them.  Only 46 (7 C) tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Still no internets at the house.  We are finding other things to do.  Pk has games that aren't online and he plays those.  I do the usual.  I knit and listen to a book on my mp3 player.  (Currently it's David Baldacci's The Whole Truth.  The man tells a good story and his characters are never perfectly good or perfectly evil.  I like that.)  I usually check the email and read some blogs in the evening but that has to be done at work.  Well, the blog reading can be done at work but the email is piling up since I can't access that here.  Oh and we talk. 

Yesterday after work, we ran some errands.  Pk needed new slippers since the temps are starting to drop into the cold toes territory.  We went to Sears and I was looking for new khaki pants since my old ones were looking rather worn and like they might give out in an embarassing way at work.  I found some at Sears and I found some black twill pants as well.  I went to put on the black ones this morning and the button came off in my hand.  These were not the most expensive pants but they are Lee's and I expected better than that.  I can't fix the button because it's one of those funky snap together things.  I replaced it with a regular button and that was that.  It's just disappointing to find a product that falls apart brand new.  Pk said to take them back but they were the only ones in my size and it's only a button. I own many pairs of pants by this company because they fit my body type and this is the first time it's happened.  I'm just glad I had a button and knew how to sew it on.

They turned off the a/c at work yesterday.  We were so cold for most of the day that I had goose bumps and I couldn't get warm.  Then in the late afternoon, I smelled the heater (you know that smell?  when you turn on the heater for the first time?) and soon it was toasty in the building.  And then it got oppressively hot.  There is no middle ground.  Cold/Hot.  That's it.  So now for the next several months, it's hot in here.  I opened the window and that helps but the dry heat is hell on the sinuses.

I won a collage from TinnieGirl!  She was having a giveaway for blogtoberfest (she is the inventor of Blogtoberfest) and I won in a randomly generated number thing.  This is so cool because she makes the most amazing collages.  If you've never seen her work, check it out. 

Not much else is going on. I'm using some Schaeffer yarn that Amy Lane sent me a while ago to make a Wildflowers shawl.  It's beautiful.  When I get my camera back from Kate and I have some internets at home, I'll show you.  I am ripping out the Fir Cone shawl from Folk Shawls because the yarn is too thin for the pattern.  I don't like it.  I guess I'll just have to find something I like better.  Sigh.  What a terrible fate, yarn shopping.

We are taking a half day tomorrow in hopes of meeting the verizon guy and getting our electrons lined up again.  Cross your fingers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, the best laid plans......

I missed blogging yesterday but not for lack of desire. For lack of electrons flowing through the wires bringing the Internets to my house.

It all started Friday.  We got home from work to find the Verizon guy working at our house.  Since we didn't know we had a problem, we were puzzled.  It turned out that Elanor had lost her connection and he was there to fix hers.  Unfortunately, she gave him some incorrect information and our connection was now toast.  Thankfully Pk was there and he told the guy what was going on and after some 2 hours our connection was restored but El's wasn't.

Saturday morning when I woke up, I decided I didn't want to spend my anniversary doing laundry and grocery shopping so we decided to go to Lancaster for the day.  I called the girls ( at 8 AM on a Saturday) and asked if they wanted to go.  El rolled over and said yes, Kate said yes after she answered with a sleepy "what's going on?", and Em said "no".  She called back 5 mins later and said that since she was up, she might as well go ("I was going to sleep as late as humanly possible.....").

This was the first time we all went together and it was a lovely day.  There were only a few photos taken since my family does not like their photo taken.  There was some cherry apple cider purchased and an assortment of teas (my favorite is called Celebration, it seemed appropriate for the day) and cheeses.  And some really lovely scarlet silk to spin (Em) and some wine colored corriedale and some blue sock yarn (me) and some carmel colored merino (Kate).  We had a delicious lunch and then headed home. 

When we got home, we discovered that El's connection was working and ours was not.  Pk spent well over 2 hours trying to convince them that it probably wasn't an equipment failure on our part since it was working on Sat morning and no one had been home all day and wasn't it a coincidence that whatever they did at the main station to restore El's service had knocked ours out?  The young man didn't get it and now they are sending a technician out on Wednesday afternoon.  We won't have internets in our house until then.  And of course, someone has to be home "between the hours of 1 and 5". 

On the bright side, both of the doctors I work with are on vacation this week so my workload is dramatically decreased.  I have a lot of paperwork so I can catch up on that.  It's Columbus Day here in the US and it's a federal holiday.  That means no postal service and banks are closed.  It's not one of the holidays we get off here in healthcareland.  It's also Thanksgiving Day in Canada.  Happy Thanksgiving!

And I hope you are all having a good Monday!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...