Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is coming to our local Borders book store on Friday. I rsvp'd two weeks ago and the woman at the store made sure I understood that this did not guarantee me a seat, they just needed an approximate count. Well, if they know how many people are coming, why don't they get enough chairs? Duh?! Kate and Emily and I are going and are planning to get there early, knitting in hand so we can get a seat. I heard that there were over 250 people coming. The store is not that big.....I have a feeling they are going to be overwhelmed. Photos will be forthcoming.
I finished the first sock in my strikke-along pair. It fits well, almost a little big but it's wool and may shrink a little when it's washed. I didn't do all the pattern repeats because the foot was getting really long and I hadn't gotten to the toe. I slipped it on and halfway through the last repeat, the sock already came to the base of my toes. I stopped the pattern and started the toe. Now, this was not a particularly difficult pattern and I didn't have to rip out too many stitches along the way. I even enjoyed knitting it most of the time. However, the toe, the plain stockinette, single color toe had to be ripped out and restarted 4 times. For some reason, I had a terrible time with the decreases. I am not sure I like them as they are written and may rip it out for a 5th time and do them differently. Overall, I am proud and pleased with the sock. It is thick and warm and since I always have cold feet in the winter, it will come in handy. It stretches enough but not too much and fits well.
Last night was the first time I took knitting out on a date with my husband where we were going to meet some friends. I had never met the girlfriend and was not sure what she would think of me sitting there knitting while I talked. She is 20 yrs younger and I wondered if she would think I was an old lady. I decided to chance it and was calmly working on a monkey sock when she came into the bar. She asked about it and admitted she had tried to learn to knit but hadn't had much success. I offered to help her the next time we get together but I don't think she'll take me up on it. I also discovered I can't converse easily while knitting. I talk with my hands and found that I was often putting the knitting down so I could contribute to the conversation. Needless to say, not much knitting progress was made but a good time was had by all.
The laundry is finally all folded and put away and the ironing is all done. I did the grocery shopping earlier and now it is time for some "me" time in which I will tackle the second snowflake sock. Otherwise my feet will have to fight over the one sock all winter!
And how did we spend our day, you may ask? Taking these
To celebrate our anniversary, we are getting tickets to see the Renoir landscapes at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and have dinner somewhere nice. We love the museum and Renoir is a favorite. I am lucky to be married to my best friend.
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...