I so wish this applied to life.
We have this "protection" program called WebSense here at work. It seems to change the parameters for what is acceptable for us to access at work. Last Friday, I couldn't read the comics in the morning. Today I can but it won't open some blogs. Maybe it's supposed to be random?
Pk continues to look for a job. He had an interview last week and is waiting to hear. He thought it went well (but he always thinks it went well) and it probably did. He interviews well and really knows his stuff. Any place would be lucky to get him and I wish they would wake up and realize it.
Since we last spoke, I have gotten a year older. I am now a 57 year old woman.."In my late 50's", which sounds so weird. Getting older is not for the faint of heart. I like myself as a person better than I did at 18 but I would love to have that physical self back! Getting older means having a slower metabolism so that however little I eat, I can't seem to lose weight. I absolutely understand why people fall prey to the ads on television (Yes! I want to lose 60 pounds in 3 months!!).
And it wouldn't be Fall without a photo of the neighbor's tree. It has been quietly showing off for about a week now. It's now stripped almost bare by a storm at the end of last week but at least the weather waited until we got to enjoy it for a short while.
Work has been busy as we move toward a paperless system. I can't wait and I've been working on the committee to make it happen. We were supposed to make a major change this morning but the email says we are postponing for "circumstances beyond our control".
I am almost finished making the annual socks for the girls for Christmas. I need to find a skein of sock yarn that looks like fire so I can make Pk a new pair of Fire Socks. I made him a pair and he wears them for interviews and things because they give him a boost of confidence. He's on the 2nd pair and I need to start looking for a good color to make another pair for him. I like the fact that he has a drawerful of colorful socks to wear and that they were all made by me.
But, now it's Monday and I have a full day ahead. I haven't checked the voicemail messages yet but the light is red so someone is on there waiting.
Happy Monday!