I have been thinking about this for a while as I thought about whether there is any reason to continue to write and share in this space. When I started, I used the space to talk about my knitting. I was brand spanking new and was so proud when I finished anything (especially my first pair of striped socks, you’d have thought I invented them) that I had to share it with folks who would get it.
I talk about my family and what they mean to me and things we are going through. This allowed me to get opinions and ideas from other people and look at things a bit differently. Someone once said it was like getting together for a nice cup of tea and having a chat. I like that idea and wish I could do that more often.
I guess it’s been like an edited diary that I have used to document events and share them. “Edited” because I have always felt that although this is a place to talk honestly, there are some thoughts that should be kept to oneself. Just because I think it doesn’t mean I have to say it.
And now here I am. Not much has changed. I am still a knitter who likes to try new things and learn new things. I have been spinning more and using my handspun to make things. I am slow and don’t work well with deadlines. I don’t do contests (like SockWars) anymore, I don’t promise anything I may not be able to finish. And I don’t push myself to work quicker. I’m older and have more patience.
I still have a dozen things otn at a time and that’s ok. Usually that includes 3 or 4 pairs of socks, a shawl or scarf, a blanket or a sweater for my grandson. Yep. I am a grandmother. James was born in March and has quickly become the second man in my life.
Being a grandmother has been such a joy. We have Jamie days on the second Sunday of every month. We pick him up in the morning and then keep him all day. He usually falls asleep on his grandfather and they nap together. He is beautiful and brilliant (of course) and just a happy little boy.
I have also grown all the hair dye out of my hair and now have snow white hair. Snow white until Kate gets to work with the hair colors.
I have done this all summer and have had such a good time with my rainbow hair.
It fades out to pastel colors and is gone within a month. We have a date for this Saturday.
My cataract surgery was a sucess and my vision is pretty good, as long as I’m wearing my glasses. I have managed to lose 45 pounds and my diabetes is under good control. I miss being able to eat what I want when I want it (and as much as I want) but I have felt so much better and that is worth it. I do eat sweets, just fewer and if I am going to eat the carbs they have to be GOOD carbs!
My family is doing well. I’m pulling out the decorations for the holidays. First Hallowe’en and then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Only 12 weeks til Christmas. I have a few presents planned and will hopefully get them done. I am not that ambitious but I do like to give handmade gifts. My latest handmade gift was a baby surprise jacket. What a fun pattern! I used Lion Brand Mandala and while I liked it for it’s durability, I’m not sure I like the way it feels when it’s knit up.
I’m still working at the same place, and still like my job. It keeps me on my toes. In a month, I’ll be 61. How weird is that? I am getting to be a Little Old Lady and I am ok with that. Next week Peter Kevin and I will celebrate our 37th anniversary. We are lucky and we know it. We have a life that brings us joy and what more can you really ask for?
Watch this space.......
Good things are bound to happen.