Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A week has gone by. The only way I can account for it is that I have entered a time warp. I am sure you all have felt it. I can't be the only one who is losing time. Personally, I blame Christmas. It distorts all sense of time this time of year. Adults, like me, lose time at an alarming rate. Where does all this time go? To children, of course. Who doesn't remember how Christmas seemed to take forever to get here? I have solved the problem. That time belongs to us adults and they should give it back right now!
Evidence that the speeding freight train that is Christmas is almost upon us? The tree that now stands in my living room blocking all sunlight from entering. It is a perfect sized tree. It fit into the lliving room without needing to have 2 feet chopped off. You can see the rocking chair for scale. My family thinks it is "anorexic" and "small". I think they are crazy. The tree will stand naked until Christmas eve when we will decorate it with ornaments that we have collected over the last 26 Christmases. When the girls were little, we told them that Santa decorated the tree so when they got up on Christmas Morning, they were in awe of the spectacle in the living room. Now, they are older, they help decorate the tree and stash the presents underneath. I kinda miss the wonder in their eyes as they first saw the tree on Christmas Morning but I really love decorating the tree with them.

Here are a few other images of Christmas around our house. The snowflake lights that are strung in the upstairs hallway, the pointsettias that provide bursts of color,

and the Christmas stocking someone made when I was born.

The past week was very busy at work. The Crisis Mgmt classes are going well. It was somewhat difficult to put together a presentation that was not too boring for seasoned staff and yet helped new staff learn about our philosophy toward clients and the way we deal with them. I have done 3 classes and have 4 more to go and each time I come away having learned something new. It has been an interesting (if sore) experience. I don't think I will ever get used to being "taken down" and having my face become up close and personal with the carpet! While I am teaching these classes, I also have to keep up with my regular schedule of clinics and social rehab groups so it has been challenging to get my work done and maintain some semblance of sanity at the end of the day. Some days are more successful than others.....

There has been some knitting. I am working on the embossed leaves socks on the train because the chart is easy enough to follow. I am using Louet Gems in french blue. It feels almost cottony, not wool-like at all. I like them and am almost finished the first one. I also got my December Art Walk Sock Yarn in the mail and it is gorgeous. This month's inspiration was Georgia O'Keefe's Black Iris. The colors are maroom, white and charcoal grey with some pink and some light purples. I can't wait to try it.

So that's what's new here. What's new with you?


TinkingBell said...

Oh lovely! I'm sure you're right about losing our time to kids - they're so excited and waiting for Christmas!!! Love the new sock yarn - lovely colours and the embossed leaves looks so purty!

Michele said...

nice embossed leaves. and can't wait to see what you do with the black iris.

Sheepish Annie said...

That tree is gi-normous!!! I guess it's all in the perspective...

The embossed leave socks are amazing. Nice job!

Rose Red said...

Your new yarn looks fabulous - love those colours together - and embossed leaves - my favourite sock pattern!

Your tree looks HUGE! Have fun decorating it!

Kate said...

pfft. Our tree is so anorexic, mom. Like, totally. Dude.

Bells said...

Oh yes, embossed leaves. Wonderful pattern. It's one I'll make again and again, I'm sure of it. I hear good things about Louet Gems. Must get me some some time!

Bezzie said...

I'm with you on the time thing. Oof!

I like your tradition of waiting to decorate the tree.

Mistrmi said...

I have never heard it put better: the time adults lose at Christmas goes to children. Absolutely true.

DaCraftyLady said...

What a lovely tree and so full....time escapes us at times when we least expect it...I have been trying to get presents wrapped but I am sitting here posting??? Go figure...

amy said...

Oh, I like that time theory. You're exactly right.

I used a Georgia O'Keeffe flower painting as a focal point during my first labor. All that opening up of her flowers, you know? Worked great. ;) Your embossed leaves socks are beautiful and so is your new yarn shipment. And your Christmas decorations! It's jolly just looking at your blog!!

Olivia said...

The socks are beautiful, I'm impressed you can do them on the train.

And the time theory? Spot on!

Amy Lane said...

Okay...now that makes total sense about where the time goes. I keep accusing the little buggers of stealing my BRAIN...I didn't realize they were actually stealing my TIME TO THINK. Your house looks lovely--and the Georgia O'Keefe is SOOO dramatic!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...