It seems to me that knitting a lace shawl is an act of extreme faith. How in the world this is
Today's Buddhist inspiration says that no matter our educational level or economic level , race or religion or sex, it is our purpose to be happy in life. I liked seeing that this morning because I believe it whole heartedly. I remember learning about the Puritans when I was a kid and wondering if they ever laughed because for them, life was about work and sacrifice. Katie complained this morning that PK and I woke her up because we were laughing in the bedroom. I asked her if it wasn't better to be awakened by parents who were laughing together than arguing? She agreed, yes, it was. We laugh alot here in this house. I can hear Kate now on her computer laughing out loud at something she is reading. Laughter makes me smile. It fills the house with sunshine on the cloudiest of days. To help you laugh today, here is my niece Maggie's favorite joke (remember she is 7),
Where did Napoleon keep his armies?
In his sleevies!
Ok, I know it's silly but it makes me giggle every time I hear it. I hope it made you at least smile. I am going to spend the rest of the weekend working on the shawl. I am almost finished the second Fools Rush sock and then I want to find a pattern for the Black Iris yarn from the sock club. The Fools Rush pattern made it pool in an unattractive way and I need something else. Elanor has really admired the yarn and the socks will be for her.
Em and Jim are coming for dinner tonight. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans and brownies. An All American Meal. It's cold out and this is comfort food.
Oh, and look what I found outside today
. Yes, it's a bulb coming up through the soil. And it is still winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been cold these last two weeks but before that, we had very un- seasonable spring-like temperatures. I'm not sure what this is. I only hope it survives. Shoots, like shawls, involve faith. Faith that the weather will get warm again and the flowers will bloom. That the sun will get stronger and the grey coldness will give way to brightness and warmth.

And I hope you all have a warm, laughter filled weekend.
Right back at you on the weekend thing, darling! The family loved the Napolian joke--although T professed not to get it for a minute!
And I love your take on lace, laughter, and spring:
It all takes a little faith:-)
We just returned from looking for a new car, and we ALL piled in for the test drive, the four of us plus the salesman (who honestly looked too young to be able to drive himself). At one point he said, "You guys have so much fun." He was commenting on our light-hearted talk to the kids, gently teasing them, the way they flung themselves around while the car was parked, investigating every corner of it, the way, I think, in which we were more relaxed than your average new-car shopper. My guess is he sees lots of testy families. My husband and I laugh all the time, and I can't imagine spending my life with someone who didn't make me laugh.
You will love Franklin! He describes himself as a very shy person (so do I), so even though I was shaking so hard I could hardly knit, I felt super-comfortable talking to him. (And he did make me laugh.)
I think the lack of faith is what keeps me from successfully completing a shawl. That and a lack of faith in my counting skills...
Yours is looking wonderfully, though! I can't wait to see it after the magic of blocking.
Trust in the blocking! It's like watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon :)
The shawl looks great. Blocking is like the first time you turn a heel, you'll have your faith confirmed. A house filled with laughter is a good thing.
yes, have faith. blocking will work miracles with your lace! it looks like a daffodil shoot coming to test mother nature!
You do wonder about those wadded-up masses of yarn sometimes, don't you? It looks very promising, though.
I read somewhere that Puritanism was the aching suspicion that someone, somewhere might be happy. I like that.
Yes, I saw some shoots too in my garden and I can't wonder how any of us are able to tell time anymore because nature seems equally confused.
I have to buy an authentic blocking board. I saw one at The Skein Attraction in Teaneck that has measurements on them. I once blocked a lace shawl on towels and while it looked straight to me it came out strangely crooked!
The shawl will lokk beautiful! (and yes, the belief in winter ending needs faith - but if always happens - eventually!)
Yes - our house is loud too - laughing, arguments, giggles! It's all good!
Trust me Donna Lee - you'll be a real high when you see how it works. I just can't wait to see how happy it makes you!
I've wanted to attempt lace for a long time now. I can't wait to see how yours works out!
P.S. Up his sleevies - that just kills me!
love the joke!
on the shawl - what size needles are you using and what weight is your yarn? i hate to tell you this but if the yarn is too thick for the needles your shawl will feel more like an afghan than a fluffy bit of love. this summer i knit the shetland shawl in fingering weight on size 4mm needles and it was okay but would have been much better on bigger needles.
at the risk of horrifying others let me say you can sort of fake block a bit of your shawl by spraying a section of it with some water and pinning it to a towel overnight to get an idea of the after-blocking look. i did this with the lady eleanor and it was reassuring.
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